29 Must-Have Things to Pack for an Alaskan Cruise (Including 11 You'd Never Think Of) (2024)

Packing for a cruise to Alaska? When it comes to packing, there’s a big difference between the classic Caribbean cruise and what you’ll experience in Alaska. Of course, you won’t be spending beach time in the warm sun… and you should probably prepare a little differently than bringing a few pairs of shorts and flip-flops.

When we cruised to Alaska, we found the packing to be a bit challenging. While it is summer, the weather can vary dramatically. From warm, sunny days in the 70s to cool, rainy days where it doesn’t get out of the 40s, you need to be prepared for just about anything.

That’s why it’s important to pack a variety of gear — most of which you’d never pack for a “regular” cruise.

What to Pack for an Alaskan Cruise

Below, we’ve rounded up a list of items that you’ll want to bring for your Alaskan cruise based on our experience in cruising to the area. Keep in mind this doesn’t include obvious things to pack like underwear and t-shirts. Instead, our list focuses on many items you may never think to bring…

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Base Layer

29 Must-Have Things to Pack for an Alaskan Cruise (Including 11 You'd Never Think Of) (2)If you’re headed to Alaska, you no doubt know you should bring a jacket. However, many people forget that it’s best to dress in layers. That all starts with a comfortable base layer. A base layer serves as a way to keep warm when it’s chill y, without having to wear layer after layer of bulky clothes. One pair of tops and bottoms should do just fine as they can be worn several times on your trip. Best of all, they run about $20-30 on Amazon, making it affordable to stay warm.

Magnetic Hooks

29 Must-Have Things to Pack for an Alaskan Cruise (Including 11 You'd Never Think Of) (3)

Even if you’ve taken a cruise before, you might be surprised to realize that your cabin door and ceiling are actually metal. Why does that matter? It means you can bring along some magnetic hooks like these and use them to hang things around the room. Whether you need space to hang outerwear or a swimsuit to dry, having these hooks adds a ton of extra space to your cabin. We like to use them as a spot to hang hats.


29 Must-Have Things to Pack for an Alaskan Cruise (Including 11 You'd Never Think Of) (4)

The name is funny, but people who have used this stuff swear by it. We’ll be frank — cruise cabins are small, and it doesn’t take much from the bathroom to smell up the whole place. Poo-Pourri isn’t an air freshener; you spray a squirt or two on top of the water in the commode and it forms a layer that keeps smells trapped. $10 on Amazon.

Phone Charger

Go ahead and put the charger in your luggage now. Alaska is interesting because it’s one of the few places you can cruise where you don’t have to get a special international plan to call or text. That means you can often keep in touch, text, and check your email via your phone. Just be sure that you don’t forget the charger at home.

Water Bottle

29 Must-Have Things to Pack for an Alaskan Cruise (Including 11 You'd Never Think Of) (5)While Alaska isn’t hot, it’s still easy to get dehydrated — especially if you decide to do a strenuous excursion like hiking. It’s a good idea to keep a water bottle with you on your trip. The cruise ships don’t have bottles for you to take ashore and bottled water isn’t always available if you get off the beaten path. Pack an inexpensive bottle, and you’ll be ready to go.


29 Must-Have Things to Pack for an Alaskan Cruise (Including 11 You'd Never Think Of) (6)

There’s a lot to see on an Alaskan cruise when it comes to wildlife. From eagles to bears to whales, the area is known for a wide range of animals. We’ll never forget watching the wake of the ship one day and then seeing whales breach the surface of the water. From the ship you can get some great vantage points, but you’ll definitely want some binoculars to get a better view. They don’t have to be expensive, but just having a solid pair will make wildlife viewing so much better. This pair is around $30 on Amazon.

Camera & Accessories29 Must-Have Things to Pack for an Alaskan Cruise (Including 11 You'd Never Think Of) (7)

Maybe this is obvious, but these days we’re not so sure. So many people skip having a traditional camera and instead just use their phone (including us!). Make no doubt, phone cameras have gotten pretty good these days. However, we’d prefer to bring along a traditional cameralike this one. After all, if you are going to one of the most picturesque places on Earth, it makes sense to bring a camera — not a phone.

Monopod for Camera

29 Must-Have Things to Pack for an Alaskan Cruise (Including 11 You'd Never Think Of) (8)

The Alaskan wilderness is picturesque. And while we’ve mentioned bringing a camera, you might also want to pack a monopod. This simple pod screws onto your camera to give you a firm base for shooting pictures, helping you avoid any blurry photos. After all, most people only get one chance to sail to Alaska… you don’t want to make a mistake on your pictures. Plus, this can also double as a walking stick on your adventures.

Rain Slicker

29 Must-Have Things to Pack for an Alaskan Cruise (Including 11 You'd Never Think Of) (9)

Cool and damp is common in Alaska, even during the summer. And while you should pack a jacket, it’s also a good idea to bring along a rain slicker. This jacket is light enough to wear on warmer days, but also keeps you dry while you’re out and about. Best of all, if you are a light packer, a good rain jacket can pack up fairly small and not take up a ton of space.This jacket is affordable and gets great reviews.


29 Must-Have Things to Pack for an Alaskan Cruise (Including 11 You'd Never Think Of) (10)

Sunscreen? In Alaska? Yes, indeed. Sure you may not be sitting on the deck by the pool in a swimsuit, but even being out and about during an excursion is enough to get burned. So while most of your body is likely to be covered up in warmer clothes, it’s still a good idea to pack sunscreen for exposed areas like your cheeks, ears, and neck.

Multi-Outlet Adapter

29 Must-Have Things to Pack for an Alaskan Cruise (Including 11 You'd Never Think Of) (11)If you’ve never taken a cruise, you might be surprised at the lack of outlets in a cabin. Just having one is common on older ships. Now imagine trying to plug in phones, battery chargers, hair straighteners and more.

Luckily, you can bring adapters to add more plugs and they are relatively cheap (read more about bringing adapters here). We are always sure to pack one of these when we sail and they don’t take up hardly any space.

Just be sure to avoid those with surge protectors built in. Surge protectors aren’t allowed on ships. The adapter above costs only about $7.

Alarm Clock

29 Must-Have Things to Pack for an Alaskan Cruise (Including 11 You'd Never Think Of) (12)No one goes on a cruise to be awakened by an alarm. However, if you are in Alaska where in the summer the sun may be up much later than you’re used to seeing, then it can cause havoc with your internal clock. We found ourselves really thrown off with the long daylight hours.

That’s why it’s a good idea to keep an alarm clock in your room. First, it will help you wake up if your body’s internal clock is off, but it will also help you keep track of the time of day when you can’t rely on the natural rhythm of day and night. This one is less than $15 on Amazon.

Hiking Boots

Yes, you can see the beauty of Alaska from the cruise ship, but it’s popular to take excursions into the more rugged wilderness. As you can guess, this involves a bit of hiking in most cases. Bringing sturdy footwear is a must. They will help keep your feet protected from rough terrain. Amazon has a ton of options in all price ranges.

Insect Repellent

29 Must-Have Things to Pack for an Alaskan Cruise (Including 11 You'd Never Think Of) (13)

Mosquitoes? In Alaska? While most people don’t think of mosquitoes when they think of the area, they are a fact of life in the summer. (Just Google “Alaskan mosquito” if you don’t believe us.) Bringing insect repellent isn’t just a smart idea. It’s essential. It can keep you from being eaten up by the insects when you are out and about.

Shoe Organizer (For Storing Small Items)

29 Must-Have Things to Pack for an Alaskan Cruise (Including 11 You'd Never Think Of) (14)

First things first, you shouldn’t pack enough shoes to need a full-fledge shoe organizer. But bringing the shoe organizer anyway is a smart move anyway. These things unfold to hang over a bathroom door in the cabin and give you tons of pockets to store small items like toiletries, phone chargers, belts, sunscreen, and anything else you can fit. It’s become one of our must-haves on any cruise. You can find them for cheap on Amazon.

Ziploc Bags

Ziplocs can be a lifesaver. Best of all, they are cheap, don’t take up any space, and have a lot of uses. If you are packing, Ziploc bags can help you keep organized. While on your trip, they can keep things like a phone dry in a pinch. And back in the cabin, they can help you keep dirty clothes separate from clean ones.

Swimsuit for the Ship

Swimming in Alaska? It’s not crazy. Cruise ships will have hot tubs that you can soak in while watching the beauty of the area float past. And many ships these days also have heated pools or indoor solariums where you can take a dip in relative warmth, no matter the weather outside. In other words, just because you are headed for a cold area, don’t leave the swimsuit at home.

Wide-Brimmed Hat

29 Must-Have Things to Pack for an Alaskan Cruise (Including 11 You'd Never Think Of) (15)
In the summer season, some places in Alaska never see the sun set. That’s why it’s a good idea to bring a wide-brimmed hat. Even at these latitudes, the sun can be brutal on exposed skin. The good news is there is a wide variety available on sites like Amazon for relatively cheap. A small investment can save you from getting fried.

Small Fan

29 Must-Have Things to Pack for an Alaskan Cruise (Including 11 You'd Never Think Of) (16)

Staying in an interior cabin? Or are you the type of person who is like us and needs white noise to sleep (it’s a good idea on a busy ship). In that case, we suggest packing a small fan for the cabin. They don’t have to take up much space and can provide some ventilation in stuffy rooms. The noise can also drown out the volume of people making noise in the hallways or adjacent cabins. This model is about $30 on Amazon.


29 Must-Have Things to Pack for an Alaskan Cruise (Including 11 You'd Never Think Of) (17)

A little tip: Your ship will usually have seasickness pills set out for passengers to take if the water gets rough. However, we would suggest bringing your own. Everyone has different tolerances for how much motion causes them to get sick. You also don’t want to be reliant on the cruise ship having seasick pills if you start to feel queasy. Bring your own (boxes are $7) and take some at the first sign of symptoms (or even before).

Night Light

29 Must-Have Things to Pack for an Alaskan Cruise (Including 11 You'd Never Think Of) (18)

A dark, unfamiliar cabin on the interior of the ship… what could go wrong? Well, if you have to wake up in the middle of the night to use the restroom, there is a good chance your shins or toes will pay the price as you stumble around in the dark. A cheap night light doesn’t take up much room and can be worth its weight in gold.

As an alternative, you can also leave the bathroom light on and close the door. The gap at the bottom of the door will let out a little light.

Cellphone Dry Bag

Worried about your phone getting wet? One thing that’s also useful is one of these cell phone dry bags. They are made specifically for your phone. Just drop it in, close the clasps, and you have a secure way to keep your phone dry while still being able to use it. You can read our full review of this phone bag here.


29 Must-Have Things to Pack for an Alaskan Cruise (Including 11 You'd Never Think Of) (20)

You have to remember that the sun can hit from two angles. Of course, it can come from above, but the reflection off of the water and snow can be just as bright. To cover all your bases, be sure to pack a good pair of polarized sunglasses. These will cut down on glare while also blocking out UV rays. Prices can range wildly, but the pair above are just $16 on Amazon.

Warm Hat

29 Must-Have Things to Pack for an Alaskan Cruise (Including 11 You'd Never Think Of) (21)

At nights — especially when the ship is sailing and there’s a breeze — it can get cold on the ship. It’s a good idea to pack along a warm hat, preferably one that will cover your ears. You may not need it all the time, but you’ll be thankful that you have for those times when it’s too cold to go out with your head uncovered. This one is just $10and comes in lots of colors.


29 Must-Have Things to Pack for an Alaskan Cruise (Including 11 You'd Never Think Of) (22)

While you don’t need a big bulky scarf to stay warm, it’s still a good idea to bring along a little something to keep your neck and chest warm and covered. At nights when the ship is underway can be breezy. If you’re out on the deck without a scarf, you’ll wish you had one. This one is around $10 on Amazon

Chapstick/Lip Balm

It’s so small and simple, but easy to forget. With the wind and the sun, it’s easy to get chapped lips on your cruise. Bring along some lip balm — and a couple of spares — and carry them with you at all times.

Wet Wipes

Want to know the truth about wiping your backside on a cruise? It’s awful. The toilet paper supplied by the cruise line is the typical thin sheets you can almost see through. Let’s just say that even after a few wipes you still don’t feel clean.

The solution is bringing some disposable wipes to help finish the job. Even if your cruise is a short one, you’ll feel much better having them. One thing — even if they say they are flushable wipes, don’t put them down the toilet as they can cause issues with the ship’s plumbing. Instead, you can toss them in the trash can provided in the bathroom.


29 Must-Have Things to Pack for an Alaskan Cruise (Including 11 You'd Never Think Of) (23)

When you head to Alaska, you pack a lot more than just a few swimsuits and a hat. And when you are out and about, there is usually plenty to bring along with you like a camera, extra layers, and more.

That’s why we suggest a lightweight collapsible backpack. Unpacked, it takes up barely any room. However, it can unfold to hold a ton of things from changes of clothes to sunscreen and more. Best of all, this particular sack is just $20 on Amazon.

Plastic Poncho

Know those $2 plastic rain ponchos that come in a little pouch? They are a great item to pack for your cruise. With the weather changing constantly depending on where you are, a lightweight plastic pouch can be a lifesaver if you’re caught in a shower. Plus, it can be a good thing to help keep camera equipment or other valuables dry in a pinch.

Wicking Socks

29 Must-Have Things to Pack for an Alaskan Cruise (Including 11 You'd Never Think Of) (24)

If you want to keep your feet warm, you also need to keep them dry. Wet feet get exposed to cold air and make it tough to feel toasty. A good pair of wicking socks can help pull moisture from your feet while out hiking, keeping you feeling comfy on you excursion.

Basic Items You Should Also Pack for Alaska

Most people know that they need to pack some pants and warm clothes when they head to Alaska, so for the most part we’ve focused the list above on those items that aren’t as well-known.

Need some ideas for basic items to bring as well? You can use the list below as a starting point:

  • Long-sleeve shirts
  • Shorts (for warm days)
  • Pants
  • Ball cap
  • Walking/Hiking Shoes
  • Flip-Flops (for around the ship)
  • Prescriptions
  • Over the counter medicines (ibuprofen, acetaminophen, stomach medicine)
  • Toiletries (Toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, etc.)
  • Clothes for formal night
  • Bottle of wine/champagne (allowed on cruises, don’t forget a corkscrew!)
  • Books/magazines
  • Travel documents (passport & boarding docs)
  • Cash
  • Credit/Debit Cards
  • Phone/Tablet Chargers

As well, you can see our Alaska cruise packing checklist here. This will give you a broad outline of all the possible things you might want to pack for your cruise.

What You Won’t Need or Can’t Pack for an Alaskan Cruise

Sometimes packing for a cruise isn’t just about what to bring, but also what not to bring. On the ship there are a number of rules about what you can’t bring, and there are also a number of things that you don’t need because the ship provides them already.

Hair Dryer
Yes, you can bring a hair dryer if you want to, but it’s not needed. Every cabin has a built-in hair dryer, similar to a hotel room. So if you’re the type that has a fancy hair dryer that you can’t live without, then you can bring it… but most people will be perfectly fine leaving it at home.

Of course, your cabin will have towels in the room but many people wonder about larger beach towels for hanging out by the pool or hot tub on their cruise. We’re happy to say that these are provided on the cruise ship as well, so no need to bring them from home.

Yes, you can bring wine or champagne in small quantities on your Alaskan cruise, but nothing else alcoholic is allowed aboard. That means leave the liquor and beer at home; you’ll have to purchase it on the ship if you want a drink. You can buy bottles in port, but they will be held until the end of the cruise and returned the night before you arrive home.

Items that Could Start a Fire
We know that many people like their own coffee pot from home or want to bring a clothes iron to smooth out wrinkles or like to bring a candle or incense to make the room smell nice. As a rule of thumb, if it heats up or has a flame, then you can’t bring it. There are a few exceptions like hair straighteners, curling irons, and cigarette lighters. Those items are ok.

Frequently Asked Questions About Packing for Alaska Cruises

Do I need to pack a swimsuit?
Yes, we suggest bringing a swimsuit on our cruise. Remember that much of your time is actually going to be spent on the cruise ship. While there are pools, there are also hot tubs. So bring your swimsuit and you can take a dip in the hot tub or even lay out if the weather is warmer and sunny. The good thing is that swimsuits don’t take a lot of room in luggage, so even if you don’t use it, it’s not a big deal.

Can I bring a hair straightener or curling iron?
Despite the ban on items that heat up, items like hair straighteners and curling irons are allowed on the ship. That said, it’s a good idea to be extra careful using them and never leave them plugged in.

How much luggage can I bring?
One of the great things about cruising is that rules around how much luggage you can bring are relaxed. There are no fees for your bags like you might find on an airline and there are no real limits on how many bags you can bring.

That said, we suggest keeping things reasonable. Remember, anything you pack you will need to get from home to the cruise port. It’s better to pack a little lighter and have an easier time handing all of your bags.

Have other suggestions of things to pack? Let us know in the comments below!

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