Guts & Blackpowder/Guts & Blackpowder (2024)

Guts & Blackpowder is a military, zombie-fight experience where players are put on a single team and need to fend off hordes of zombies of different variants endlessly, or while doing an objective. The game is set during the Napoleonic Wars, which players have to use items, tools and weaponry in the specific era, the game's mechanics are similar in nature to , another Napoleonic era game made by CoderQwerty.


  • 1 Gameplay
  • 2 Classes
    • 2.1 Line Infantry
    • 2.2 Officer
    • 2.3 Seaman
    • 2.4 Musician
    • 2.5 Sapper
    • 2.6 Surgeon
    • 2.7 Priest
  • 3 Maps
  • 4 Zombies
    • 4.1 Shambler
    • 4.2 Runner
    • 4.3 Bomber
    • 4.4 Zombie Sapper
    • 4.5 Igniter
  • 5 Regiments
  • 6 Badges
  • 7 Gallery


The base gameplay stems from 2 game modes: Objective & Endless.

In Objective, the survivors have to traverse the map to later escape or get rescued. In certain parts of the map a task while appear on the top of the player's screen, telling the survivors to do a specific task in that area of the map.

In Endless the survivors must fend of a horde of zombies each wave, each being bigger and tougher every increasing wave, the player can see what wave they're on by looking at the number at their bottom-left.

The game also contains different nations, classes, regiments, and most importantly, maps. The maps nations are based on which country fought in the specific area, for example Hougoumont has the countries of France and Britain because those countries fought in that area.


There are currently 7 playable classes within the base game, 3 of them having firearms, and 4 of them being only melee.

Line Infantry[]

Line Infantry is the first, and default selected class when joining into the game, the class is equipped with Sabre and a Musket. When left-clicking the musket it will make the player aim, and when clicking again it will fire the musket and kill/penetrate any zombies that the musket bullet hit. The player can also reload after shooting, the musket however has a slower reload speed. You can also use the bayonet by pressing X, turning the musket into a long ranged melee weapon.

There are also two alternative and buyable weapons, which can replace the musket for the Line Infantry class; the pike and the carbine. The pike is an melee weapon which can be bought for 1,000 francs, which can deal 50 damage onset. For the Chevau-Legérs Lanciers de Garde regiment, this would transform the line infantry class into a special "lancer" subclass. On the other hand, the carbine is an alternative for a musket that can be bought for 500 francs, similar to it's default counterpart, it can also deal with its ability to pick off zombies from greater distances, and can be useful for high-priority targets. However, due to it's short barrel, it is less accurate and by having the ability to swiftly reload. Another disadvantage is lacking bayonet, making it even more ineffective and dull during charges.


Officer is the second class in order that can be chosen from in the class menu. The class is equipped with a Pistol and the Officer's Sabre. The pistol has a shorter range and faster reload speed, it can be used to fight bombers or igniters, making the class useful, which defends it from destroying sappers' constructions. The Officer's Sabre on the other is different from a normal sabre other class uses, uniquely due to it's ability known as "Charge" that charges up when killing zombies.

The "charge" ability is significant and beneficial for the Line Infantry and the "Lancer" subclass, due to their muskets having a bayonet, that can be used to swiftly kill zombies. Similarly, for Sappers, it can also increase the swing rate of the axe. The "Charge" ability can be used in such situations, when dealing with a horde of zombies or which can help the team retreat faster.


Seaman is the third class in order that can be chosen from in the class menu. The class is equipped with a sabre and a blunderbuss. The blunderbuss excels on crowd control, due to it's widespread and high pellet count, which are able to hit large number of zombies in a single shot. However, despite the good advantage it relies on, it is particularly weak against a line of zombies or any long-ranged combat.

The Nock Gun, an extreme and powerful alternative to the blunderbuss, can be bought from the shop for 350 francs. This firearm has ludicrously-high statistics, the 250 damage-per-pellet (which is considered high damage) is a major benefit for being outmost the powerful firearm in the game. Each individual bullet can deal 250 damage, and could penetrate 11 targets under a single shot. Firing it will inflict a small amount of recoil on the user, regardless of the amount of bullets. The major drawback is it's duration of reloading, reloading the firearm can take approximately 24 seconds, if all rounds are loaded under a single cycle. The reloading time can be stopped or suppressed by unequipping it whilst reloading, and then re-equipping it.


Musician is the fourth class in order that can be chosen from in the class menu. The class is equipped with an fife and a sabre. The instruments as provided will boost, is supportive and can give bonuses for other classes, such as hastening Sappers' constructions and faster reloads. There are two alternatives which can be bought from the shop, the drum can be bought for 300 francs, whilst the bugle can be bought for 500 francs.

For players selecting 42nd Regiment of Foot, the default-equipped fife is replaced with a bagpipe instead. It would also transform the musician into a "Piper" subclass.


Sapper is the fifth class in order that can be chosen from in the class menu. The class is equipped with an axe and a hammer. The axe is more powerful than a sabre and has decent range and can clear multiple enemies at once, it however has a very slow swing speed. The Hammer can build multiple fortifications, although there is a limit to this. These are Barricades, Stakes and Caltrops.


Surgeon is a special class that can only be chosen from in the specialists tab. The class is equipped sabre, medical supplies and a box of bandages. This class provides aid to others by using their medical supplies on them to give health or placing down a box of bandages to give the whole team a bandage as a one use heal. The medical supplies require build up by killing zombies and collecting any supplies that the zombies may drop.


Priest (or the Chaplain) is a special class that can only be chosen from in the specialists tab and requires the Soldier's Grace badge to be unlocked. The class is equipped with a stake, crucifix and blessing. This class helps the team out by stunning zombies with the crucifix or by curing players of their infection by using the blessing. The stake deals lesser damage compared to a sabre, dealing only 25 damage to zombies.


The game currently has 7 playable maps and 1 seasonal-exclusive map, Sleepy Hollow.

San SebastiánObjective"An empty town with an emptier fortress."
  • France
  • Britain
  • Portugal
Catacombes de ParisObjective"Pay your respects to the empire of death."
  • France
KaubObjective"A town and castle in a bitter winter"
  • Austria
  • Prussia
  • Russia
  • Bavaria
LeipzigObjective"Salvation lies across the river."
  • France
  • Austria
  • Prussia
  • Russia
  • Sweden
Vardøhus FortressObjective & Endless"A cold front, and its guiding light."
  • Russia
  • Sweden
  • Denmark
  • France
  • Bavaria
Tyrolean VillageEndless-
  • Austria
  • Bavaria
HougoumontEndless"A walled, manorial compound and it's raging fires."
  • France
  • Britain
  • Prussia
La Haye SainteEndless"A walled farmhouse compound in heavy rain."
  • France
  • Britain
La Ferme d'En-hautEndless"There is no light at the end of the tunnel."
  • France
  • Prussia



Shamblers are one of the most common types of zombies in the game, as they generally range from low-class citizens to high-class aristocrats. Their weak appearance doesn't usually mean they are truly weak, as one shambler can simply grab a player and attempt to wrestle it, the player can easily grab it off thereafter several seconds. However, if they begin to feast the player, the specific player will begin to deal damage slowly, whilst rendering it unable to mobilize, resulting infection to the player if it lasted for more than long. The feasting can be interrupted by dealing damage to the zombies which had grabbed on to that player. Four or more shamblers are enough to maul the player and kill them.

It is highly recommended to fight them one by one, rather than pick them all. If there is a crowd of shamblers ahead, then it is recommended to use a cannon, a blunderbuss or a nock gun.


Runners are also common types of zombies in the game, they're recently-infected individuals and are notorious for their agile behavior. They are recognized by their red, glowing eyes, and their incredible agility makes them a difficult target for players. If a runner tackles the player, they will pin the player to the ground and maul the player, similar to shamblers, they will render the player immobilized and cannot use items or weapons during this process. The process can be interrupted by damaging the zombie, which kills the zombie instantly. If the player isn't saved on time, the runner will rip the player's throat, instantly killing them.

When a runner charges at you, it is recommended to use an melee weapon (e.g. sabre) to kill the zombie completely. Not slashing it on time will result in an untimely fate.


Bombers, referred to as Barrel Zombies, are zombies equipped with an torch and a explosive barrel. Their behavior is distinct among the other zombies, as rather than mauling the player, they will light the fuse of the barrel and raise it above, before exploding seconds thereafter. If an existing player enters it's radius, it will begin that said process, and then explode. The following can be also done swiftly without it, either to melee or shoot the zombie. However, the player would deal sufficient amount of damage depending on the distance between the zombie and the player, if a player is near and the zombie explodes may result in either dealing high damage or instant death.

It is recommended to use muskets or any ranged weapon to kill them. However, given it's explosive range, you must be further from the zombie enough to kill them. It is also advisable and recommended NOT to melee them, as again, given their explosivity due to the barrels they are holding, you will likely die immediately after doing so, or risk death if you have survived.

Zombie Sapper[]

Zombie Sappers, referred to as Zappers, are special, close-ranged zombies with inflicting heavy damage to anyone around it. They take appearance of random selected nations of their non-infected counterpart. Generally, they're slow-moving and tend to blend in among the crowd. However, when they're close to the players enough will strike, by wind-up before striking, raising their axe high into the air and before swinging it down towards the player. If a player gets hit will result in heavy, tremendous damage, dealing over half of the player's health. An execution animation will also play if the player is killed by the Zombie Sapper.

Due to their passive immunity to Hand Axe, and also their great health, it is recommended to use guns (e.g. muskets, blunderbusses) since they are greater options in dealing them. However, using long-ranged weapons (e.g. Bayonet) is advised. The use of an axe and sabre are also not recommended, as it will risk or pose a heavy damage to the player if hit.


Igniters are special zombies, specializing in area denial. Their charred, shriveled appearance and a glowing, yellow light also gives them distinction among the crowds. Equipped with a lantern, when a player is within a 100-stud radius, they will wind up their arm before tossing the lantern at a nearby player. To which, upon striking at the ground, will burst into flames, which may deal heavy damage to Sapper constructions, or even potentially burning players who are not cautious. Players burnt are inflicted with an Afterburn de-buff, this prevents them from healing within a short time. Igniters are unable to grab or maul the player, and will exclusively punch them rather.

If an Igniter is about to toss an lantern, it is recommended to focus on him, as it will ignite the lantern when he's killed. It is also recommended to use firearms than an axe or sabre, which can be your benefit.


Regiment Pack 1
Regiment Pack 2
Regiment Pack 3
Regiment Pack 4
Regiment Pack 5
Soldier's Grace
  • 1e Regiment d'Infanterie
  • Grenadiers de la 1e Régiment d'Infanterie
    • (note: requires Dur à Cuire badge)
  • 3e Regiment Étranger
  • 1e Legion de la Vistule Eusiliers
  • 1e Legion de la Vistule Grenadiers
  • 1e Grenadier de Garde
    • (note: requires Soldats de ma Vielle Garde badge)
  • 2e Regiment du Genie
  • 3e Regiment Suisse
  • Église catholique de France
  • Les services médicaux français
  • Équipage de Haut-bord de Marine Infanterie
  • Marins de la Garde Impériale
  • 1e Chevau Légers Lanciers de Garde
  • 23rd Regiment of Foot
  • 5th Regiment of Foot
  • 35th Regiment of Foot
  • 42nd Regiment of Foot
  • Brunswick-Leib Batallion
  • KGL 2nd Light Batallion
  • The Church of England
  • Royal Army Medical Corps
  • Royal Marines
  • Whinyates 2nd Rocket Troop
  • Infanterieregiment Nr. 1
  • Infanterieregiment Nr. 29
  • Infanterieregiment Nr. 60
  • Feldjägerbataillon Nr. 1
  • Kärnten Landwehrbatallion
  • Katolische Kirche
  • 13. Infanterie Regiment
  • 18. Infanterie Regiment
  • Lutzowisches Freikorps
  • Landwehr Regiment von Schlesien
  • 1. Garde-Regiment zu Fuß
  • Lutherische Kirchen
  • Preußische Heersanitätskorps
  • Tobolsk Pehotniy Polk
  • Leib-gvardii Grenaderskij
  • Sankt-Peterburzhskoye Opolcheniye
  • Russkaja pravoslavnaja cerkov
  • Meditsinkaya sluzhba
  • Holstenske Infanteriregiment
  • Slesvigske Infanteriregiment
  • Oldengorgske Infanteriregiment
  • Københavns Infanteriregiment
  • Kongens Livjæger Corps
  • Folkekirken
  • Uppland Regiment
  • Karland Regiment
  • Södermanland Regiment
  • Björneborg Regiment
  • Svenska kyrkan
  • 5. Linien - Infanterie - Regiment
  • 8. Linien - Infanterie - Regiment
  • Katolische Kirche
  • 1. Chevaulegers-Regiment
  • 8e Regimento de Infantaria de Linha
  • Portugal Igreja Católica
United States
  • U.S. Marine Corps


IconBadgeDescriptionHow to Obtain
Guts & Blackpowder/Guts & Blackpowder (1)
Old YellerPut a survivor who's broken their legs out of their miseryShoot a survivor who has broken their legs
Guts & Blackpowder/Guts & Blackpowder (2)
Cold FrontSuccessfully escape Vardohus Fortress in objective mode IN ONE LIFE.Complete the Vardøhus Fortress campaign in one life.

(without dying)

Guts & Blackpowder/Guts & Blackpowder (3)
Explosive RetreatSuccessfully escape Leipzig in objective mode IN ONE LIFE.Complete the Leipzig campaign in one life.

(without dying)

Guts & Blackpowder/Guts & Blackpowder (4)
Slight MiscalculationGet blown up by the bridge explosion in Leipzig.At the end of Leipzig, get killed by the bridge's detonation.
Guts & Blackpowder/Guts & Blackpowder (5)
Recruited by the Empire of the DeadBy dying in the Paris Catacombs your body becomes part of the Empire of The Dead.Die anywhere in the catacombs of the Catacombes des Paris.
Guts & Blackpowder/Guts & Blackpowder (6)
Deliverance from the CatacombsSuccessfully escape Catacombes de Paris in objective mode IN ONE LIFE.Complete the Catacombes de Paris campaign in one life.

(without dying)

Guts & Blackpowder/Guts & Blackpowder (7)
Soldats de ma Vieille Garde

("Soldiers of my Old Guard")

In order to get this badge, you must complete the following tasks:
  1. Get a KDR of 10 or above.
  2. Save 51 teammates from being grabbed by a zombie.
  3. Survive 35 rounds in ONE LIFE on Endless. It can start at any wave, just as long as you stay alive for 35 rounds.
  4. Win 30 times or above in the campaign mode.
  5. Acquire the following badges: Old Yeller, Cold Front, Explosive Retreat, and Deliverance from the Catacombs. This unlocks the Old Guard Regiment under France.
Complete the badge's listed requirements.

(It will also unlock the Old Guard Regiment of France.)

Guts & Blackpowder/Guts & Blackpowder (8)
Forlorn HopeSuccessfully escape San Sebastián in objective mode IN ONE LIFE.Complete the San Sebastián campaign in one life. (without dying)
Guts & Blackpowder/Guts & Blackpowder (9)
Vos Enterrement

("Your Funeral")

Lower the platform for your team using the winch so they can escape on San Sebastián.Operate the winch at the end of San Sebastián.
Guts & Blackpowder/Guts & Blackpowder (10)
GIVE 'EM STEELKill 10 zombies with the Bayonet charge only. Requires Officer's "Charge" ability to be active.Kill 10 zombies with the Bayonet whilst under the effects of Officer's Charge
Guts & Blackpowder/Guts & Blackpowder (11)
NO, FREDERICK!Hit (and most likely die) to a bomber while in a Bayonet charge. Requires Officer's "Charge" ability to be active.Strike a Bomber with a bayonet whilst under the effects of Officer's Charge.
Guts & Blackpowder/Guts & Blackpowder (12)
Soldier's GraceGiven to those whom sacrificed themselves for the betterment of their fellow soldier. Obtaining this badge unlocks Chaplain and the Cross Necklace. To unlock this achievement, you must:
  • Save 150 teammates from being grabbed.
  • Kill 75 runners pinning your teammate.
  • Obtain the badge "Vos Enterrement".
  • Heal teammates over 50 times (as Surgeon).
Complete the badge's listed requirements.
Guts & Blackpowder/Guts & Blackpowder (13)
Glory to the SurvivorsSurvive a campaign map (with the exception of Vardohus Fortress) with half of the server (10 players total) still on their first life. Requires 10+ players in order to obtain. Obtaining this badge unlocks the Battle Scar accessory.In a server with more than 10 players, complete a campaign (except Vardøhus Fortress) with at least 10 players that are alive.
Guts & Blackpowder/Guts & Blackpowder (14)
For Whom the Bell TollsBeat the Halloween map "Sleepy Hallow" without dying. Obtaining this badge unlocks the Jack-o'-lantern Utility.Complete Sleepy Hallow without dying. (currently unobtainable as it is seasonal-exclusive)
Guts & Blackpowder/Guts & Blackpowder (15)
Confederation of the UndeadSuccessfully survive Kaub in objective mode IN ONE LIFE.Complete the Kaub campaign in one life. (without dying)
Guts & Blackpowder/Guts & Blackpowder (16)
BeresinaliedSuccessfully defend/build the bridge in Berezina. This badge is based off contribution to building the bridge, or doing enough to support your team.Contribute to building the bridge, or defend teammates in Berezina.
Guts & Blackpowder/Guts & Blackpowder (17)
Dur à Cuire("Hard to Cook")Rewards you with the 1e Grenadiers.


  • 10 hours of playtime
  • 2000 kills
  • 20 campaign wins
Complete the badge's listed requirements.

(It will also unlock Grenadiers de la 1e Régiment de la Infanterie of France.)


Guts & Blackpowder/Guts & Blackpowder (2024)


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