Margherita Pizza Quesadilla Recipe (2024)

By Mary | 31 Comments

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Margherita Pizza Quesadilla Recipe (1)


By that, I mean we are officially moving to Asia! In April! We bought our tickets, and are leaving Bozeman at the end of April to start a year+ abroad, adventuring. YES! In the last 36 hours, since buying our tickets (which cost $5, thank you airline miles!), I've gone from overly excited — like, why don't strangers on the street look as excited for me as I am? — to super "omg I have to pack/sell things/organize/plan" and all that jazz. Way to enjoy the moment, Mare.

Margherita Pizza Quesadilla Recipe (2)

Really though, I'm incredibly excited to start this next chapter of our lives. It's a very uncertain chapter, and while I'm a person that thrives on having a plan I am comfortable with that plan being: There is no plan. WILD, I know. Don't worry, we have somewhat of a plan. We fly into Vietnam, will spend a month honeymooning there, and then move on and find a place to settle down for an extended stay. I'm still voting Cambodia, based on absolutely zero facts, but am keeping an open mind. I'm actually really excited for us to stroll into some coastal town, fall in love with it, and decide THIS is where we want to be. I've never left my life so open-ended like that... it really is a bit thrilling!

Margherita Pizza Quesadilla Recipe (3)

And nerve-wracking. I'm a fairly optimistic person, and when it comes to traveling I might be overly optimistic: "We'll find a place to sleep, don't worry!" (at 11 pm in small-town Nicaragua. And we did, thank you very much!). But I also like to be informed, which makes being optimistic easier — if you know all of your options, you can feel comfortable that one of them is available to you. Those who are flying blind might think there are zero options, thus inducing severe pessimism. I'm getting off-topic. Let's talk about food. I promise you'll hear more details, over the next few months, than you ever wanted to know about our upcoming adventures!

Margherita Pizza Quesadilla Recipe (4)

I bring you today an incredibly simple recipe. Literally, this takes 5 minutes to make. It has four ingredients. It requires no fancy techniques. ANYONE COULD MAKE THIS. If you like pizza, you will like this. If you like mozzarella, you will like this. If you like basil, you will like this. If you've ever eaten anything Italian, you will like this. Really, it's so simple it's impossible not to like. Please don't prove me wrong, here.

Margherita Pizza Quesadilla Recipe (5)

I almost feel silly for making a formal "recipe" part of this post. Take a flour tortilla. Lay it in a hot pan. Place sliced mozzarella, topped with sliced tomatoes, topped with chopped basil, on one half of the tortilla. Let it all cook for a minute before folding the empty half of the tortilla over the other side, let cook until the cheese is beginning to melt and the bottom of the tortilla is brown. Flip, repeat, and serve! Enjoy!


Margherita Pizza Quesadilla Recipe (6)

Margherita Pizza Quesadilla

★★★★4 from 1 reviews

  • Author: by Mary
  • Prep Time: 2 mins
  • Cook Time: 6 mins
  • Total Time: 8 minutes
  • Yield: 1 1x
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  • 1 flour tortilla
  • 1 tomato, sliced
  • 3 oz mozzarella, sliced
  • 4 large basil leaves, chopped


  1. Heat a heavy skillet over medium-high heat.
  2. Place the tortilla in the pan, and layer the tomato, mozzarella, and basil leaves on one half of the tortilla. Cook for a minute before folding the empty half of the tortilla over the other side. Cook for another two minutes, or until the cheese is beginning to melt and the underside of the tortilla is brown. Flip, and cook until this side is also brown.
  3. Slice and serve!

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Reader Interactions


  1. Vee says

    I want to hear all about your adventures! Sounds so exciting!


  2. Sarah says

    What an exciting 2014 you have ahead of you! I used to make margherita quesadillas all the time. Your pictures are beautiful--makes me wonder why I haven't made one in so long!


  3. Antojo en tu cocina says

    I lofve it! it is perfect for my today's lunch! 🙂


  4. ETHERE says

    I'm looking everywhere delicious recipes I'm lucky to find yours, thank you for this delight and especially the details


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Margherita Pizza Quesadilla Recipe (2024)


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