Money markets | ECB Data Portal (2024)

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Euribor 1-year - Historical close, average of observations through period, Euro area (changing composition), Monthly

Published Published

Monthly Euro area (changing composition) Euro Refinitiv Money Market Euribor 1-year Historical close, average of observation...

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Monthly Euro area (changing ... Euro Refinitiv Money Market Euribor 1-year Historical close, av...

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Time series dimensions

Monthly [M]
(Modified), Monthly (Original) [M]
Reference area
Euro area (changing composition) [U2]
Euro [EUR]
Financial market provider
Refinitiv [RT]
Financial market instrument
Money Market [MM]
Financial market provider identifier
Euribor 1-year [EURIBOR1YD_]
Financial market data type
Historical close, average of observations through period [HSTA]

Jan 1994 to Dec 2023

3.6699 (Dec 2023)

Percent per annum

Last updated: 1 Jan 2024 11:03 CET


Unsecured - overnight - short-term rate - Historical close, average of observations through period, Euro area (changing composition), Monthly

Published Published

Monthly Euro area (changing composition) Euro ECB Money Market Unsecured - overnight - short-term rate Historical close, average of observation...

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Monthly Euro area (changing ... Euro ECB Money Market Unsecured - overnigh... Historical close, av...

Show all

Time series dimensions

Monthly [M]
(Modified), Monthly (Original) [M]
Reference area
Euro area (changing composition) [U2]
Euro [EUR]
Financial market provider
ECB [4F]
Financial market instrument
Money Market [MM]
Financial market provider identifier
Unsecured - overnight - short-term rate [UONSTR]
Financial market data type
Historical close, average of observations through period [HSTA]

Percent per annum

Last updated: 2 Jan 2024 12:17 CET


Euribor 6-month - Historical close, average of observations through period, Euro area (changing composition), Monthly

Published Published

Monthly Euro area (changing composition) Euro Refinitiv Money Market Euribor 6-month Historical close, average of observation...

Show all

Monthly Euro area (changing ... Euro Refinitiv Money Market Euribor 6-month Historical close, av...

Show all

Time series dimensions

Monthly [M]
(Modified), Monthly (Original) [M]
Reference area
Euro area (changing composition) [U2]
Euro [EUR]
Financial market provider
Refinitiv [RT]
Financial market instrument
Money Market [MM]
Financial market provider identifier
Euribor 6-month [EURIBOR6MD_]
Financial market data type
Historical close, average of observations through period [HSTA]

Jan 1994 to Dec 2023

3.9243 (Dec 2023)

Percent per annum

Last updated: 1 Jan 2024 11:03 CET


Euribor 1-month - Historical close, average of observations through period, Euro area (changing composition), Monthly

Published Published

Monthly Euro area (changing composition) Euro Refinitiv Money Market Euribor 1-month Historical close, average of observation...

Show all

Monthly Euro area (changing ... Euro Refinitiv Money Market Euribor 1-month Historical close, av...

Show all

Time series dimensions

Monthly [M]
(Modified), Monthly (Original) [M]
Reference area
Euro area (changing composition) [U2]
Euro [EUR]
Financial market provider
Refinitiv [RT]
Financial market instrument
Money Market [MM]
Financial market provider identifier
Euribor 1-month [EURIBOR1MD_]
Financial market data type
Historical close, average of observations through period [HSTA]

Percent per annum

Last updated: 1 Jan 2024 11:03 CET


Unsecured - overnight - short-term rate - Historical close, average of observations through period, Euro area (changing composition), Annual

Published Published

Annual Euro area (changing composition) Euro ECB Money Market Unsecured - overnight - short-term rate Historical close, average of observation...

Show all

Annual Euro area (changing ... Euro ECB Money Market Unsecured - overnigh... Historical close, av...

Show all

Time series dimensions

Annual [A]
(Modified), Annual (Original) [A]
Reference area
Euro area (changing composition) [U2]
Euro [EUR]
Financial market provider
ECB [4F]
Financial market instrument
Money Market [MM]
Financial market provider identifier
Unsecured - overnight - short-term rate [UONSTR]
Financial market data type
Historical close, average of observations through period [HSTA]

Percent per annum

Last updated: 2 Jan 2024 12:17 CET


Euribor 3-month - Historical close, average of observations through period, Euro area (changing composition), Annual

Published Published

Annual Euro area (changing composition) Euro Refinitiv Money Market Euribor 3-month Historical close, average of observation...

Show all

Annual Euro area (changing ... Euro Refinitiv Money Market Euribor 3-month Historical close, av...

Show all

Time series dimensions

Annual [A]
(Modified), Annual (Original) [A]
Reference area
Euro area (changing composition) [U2]
Euro [EUR]
Financial market provider
Refinitiv [RT]
Financial market instrument
Money Market [MM]
Financial market provider identifier
Euribor 3-month [EURIBOR3MD_]
Financial market data type
Historical close, average of observations through period [HSTA]

Percent per annum

Last updated: 1 Jan 2024 11:03 CET


Euribor 1-month - Historical close, average of observations through period, Euro area (changing composition), Annual

Published Published

Annual Euro area (changing composition) Euro Refinitiv Money Market Euribor 1-month Historical close, average of observation...

Show all

Annual Euro area (changing ... Euro Refinitiv Money Market Euribor 1-month Historical close, av...

Show all

Time series dimensions

Annual [A]
(Modified), Annual (Original) [A]
Reference area
Euro area (changing composition) [U2]
Euro [EUR]
Financial market provider
Refinitiv [RT]
Financial market instrument
Money Market [MM]
Financial market provider identifier
Euribor 1-month [EURIBOR1MD_]
Financial market data type
Historical close, average of observations through period [HSTA]

Percent per annum

Last updated: 1 Jan 2024 11:03 CET


Euribor 1-year - Historical close, average of observations through period, Euro area (changing composition), Annual

Published Published

Annual Euro area (changing composition) Euro Refinitiv Money Market Euribor 1-year Historical close, average of observation...

Show all

Annual Euro area (changing ... Euro Refinitiv Money Market Euribor 1-year Historical close, av...

Show all

Time series dimensions

Annual [A]
(Modified), Annual (Original) [A]
Reference area
Euro area (changing composition) [U2]
Euro [EUR]
Financial market provider
Refinitiv [RT]
Financial market instrument
Money Market [MM]
Financial market provider identifier
Euribor 1-year [EURIBOR1YD_]
Financial market data type
Historical close, average of observations through period [HSTA]

Percent per annum

Last updated: 1 Jan 2024 11:03 CET


Euribor 3-month - Historical close, average of observations through period, Euro area (changing composition), Monthly

Published Published

Monthly Euro area (changing composition) Euro Refinitiv Money Market Euribor 3-month Historical close, average of observation...

Show all

Monthly Euro area (changing ... Euro Refinitiv Money Market Euribor 3-month Historical close, av...

Show all

Time series dimensions

Monthly [M]
(Modified), Monthly (Original) [M]
Reference area
Euro area (changing composition) [U2]
Euro [EUR]
Financial market provider
Refinitiv [RT]
Financial market instrument
Money Market [MM]
Financial market provider identifier
Euribor 3-month [EURIBOR3MD_]
Financial market data type
Historical close, average of observations through period [HSTA]

Jan 1994 to Dec 2023

3.9331 (Dec 2023)

Percent per annum

Last updated: 1 Jan 2024 11:03 CET


Euribor 6-month - Historical close, average of observations through period, Euro area (changing composition), Annual

Published Published

Annual Euro area (changing composition) Euro Refinitiv Money Market Euribor 6-month Historical close, average of observation...

Show all

Annual Euro area (changing ... Euro Refinitiv Money Market Euribor 6-month Historical close, av...

Show all

Time series dimensions

Annual [A]
(Modified), Annual (Original) [A]
Reference area
Euro area (changing composition) [U2]
Euro [EUR]
Financial market provider
Refinitiv [RT]
Financial market instrument
Money Market [MM]
Financial market provider identifier
Euribor 6-month [EURIBOR6MD_]
Financial market data type
Historical close, average of observations through period [HSTA]

Percent per annum

Last updated: 1 Jan 2024 11:03 CET


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I'm an enthusiast with a deep understanding of financial markets and data analysis. My expertise stems from years of experience in analyzing market trends, interpreting financial data, and staying updated on the latest developments in the field.

Now, regarding the concepts used in the provided article, let's break them down:

  1. Euribor (Euro Interbank Offered Rate): Euribor is the average interest rate at which European banks offer to lend unsecured funds to one another in the euro wholesale money market. It serves as a reference rate for various financial instruments and loans within the Eurozone.

  2. Unsecured Overnight Short-Term Rate: This refers to the interest rate at which banks lend funds to each other overnight without requiring collateral. It's a key benchmark rate used in financial markets to determine short-term borrowing costs.

  3. Financial Market Provider: Refinitiv is a global provider of financial market data, analytics, and trading platforms used by banks, financial institutions, and investors for making informed decisions.

  4. Euro Area (Changing Composition): The Euro Area refers to the group of European Union (EU) member states that have adopted the euro as their official currency. The composition may change over time as new countries join or existing ones exit the Eurozone.

  5. Currency: The currency mentioned is the Euro (EUR), which is the official currency of the Euro Area.

  6. Financial Market Instrument: In this context, the financial market instrument refers to the specific type of financial product or security being traded, such as Euribor rates for different tenors (1-month, 3-month, 6-month, 1-year).

  7. Frequency: The frequency of data publication or updates, which can be monthly or annual in this case, indicating how often the data is refreshed or reported.

  8. Historical Close: This indicates that the data represents historical closing values or rates observed over a period, providing insights into past market performance.

  9. Average of Observations Through Period: It suggests that the reported values are averages calculated based on multiple observations recorded over the specified period, offering a more comprehensive view of market trends.

  10. Percent per Annum: This denotes the interest rates or rates of change reported as percentages per annum (per year), providing standardized metrics for comparing different rates.

By understanding these concepts, analysts and investors can effectively interpret and analyze the provided financial market data to make informed decisions and assess market conditions within the Eurozone.

Money markets | ECB Data Portal (2024)


What is € ster? ›

The euro short-term rate (€STR) is published on each TARGET2 business day based on transactions conducted and settled on the previous TARGET2 business day.

Is ESTR a risk free rate? ›

€STR is described as a risk-free, or near risk-free, rate as unlike EURIBOR or Euro LIBOR it does not contain material term risk or bank credit risk. 2. €STR is an overnight rate which is published in arrears. In contrast EURIBOR and Euro LIBOR are term rates which are published at the start of the relevant period.

How is ESTR calculated? ›

How does the ESTR work? The ESTR works by using the transaction data collected as part of the daily reporting on monetary exchanges from the 52 largest eurozone banks. It represents the average interest rate attached to loans throughout a business day.

Is Ester secured or unsecured? ›

The euro short-term rate (€STR) reflects the wholesale euro unsecured overnight borrowing costs of banks located in the euro area.

What does the SA stand for? ›

The Sturmabteilung (German: [ˈʃtʊʁmʔapˌtaɪlʊŋ]; SA; literally "Storm Division" or Storm Troopers) was the original paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party.

What is a beef in slang? ›

(slang, uncountable or countable, plural beefs) A grudge; dislike (of something or someone); lack of faith or trust (in something or someone); a reason for a dislike or grudge. (

Why is ESTR replacing EONIA? ›

These wholesale rates are typically used with banks and institutional investors such as pension funds. One of the key reasons for the switch to ESTER is that there will be more banks contributing to the average ESTER rate than currently with EONIA.

What is the difference between ESTR and EONIA? ›

€STR is a bid rate while EONIA is an offered rate, therefore liquidity premium calculations need to be corrected accordingly. Market participants using EONIA in their FTP models should create a transition plan, covering all relevant FTP-related systems and policies.

What is the best risk-free rate? ›

The interest rate on a three-month U.S. Treasury bill (T-bill) is often used as the risk-free rate for U.S.-based investors. The three-month U.S. Treasury bill is a useful proxy because the market considers there to be virtually no chance of the U.S. government defaulting on its obligations.

What is the current ESTR? ›

Euro Short-Term Rate is at 3.91%, compared to 3.91% yesterday and 2.90% last year.

What is a ESTR swap? ›

ESTR (Euro Short-Term Rate) is a new alternative reference rate for the Euro interbank lending market. It was introduced as a replacement for the legacy overnight rate, the Euro Overnight Index Average (EONIA), which was phased out at the end of 2021.

What time is the ESTR published? ›

The euro short-term rate (€STR) reflects the wholesale euro unsecured overnight borrowing costs of banks located in the euro area. The ECB publishes on its website the €STR at 08:00 CET on each TARGET2 business date.

Is SONIA cheaper than LIBOR? ›

At first glance, SONIA may appear to cost less than LIBOR. That's because, as a risk-free rate, SONIA is looking at the cost of lending in a risk-free situation. It doesn't include the extra cost that a lender would charge for a riskier loan over a longer period of time.

What is the Fed overnight rate? ›

Basic Info. Overnight Federal Funds Rate is at 5.33%, compared to 5.33% the previous market day and 4.83% last year.

What is the US equivalent of SONIA? ›

Both Term SOFR and “raw” SOFR (i.e. compounded daily in arrears) are used for syndicated or bilateral loans in US Dollars, whereas “raw” SONIA (as opposed to Term SONIA) is the predominate rate used for Sterling loans.

What is being corned? ›

Definitions of corned. adjective. (used especially of meat) cured in brine. synonyms: cured preserved. prevented from decaying or spoiling and prepared for future use.

What does this mean in English ---? ›

this in American English

(ðɪs) (pronoun & adjective plural these (ðiz)) pronoun. 1. (used to indicate a person, thing, idea, state, event, time, remark, etc., as present, near, just mentioned or pointed out, supposed to be understood, or by way of emphasis)

What does it mean if someone is bovine? ›

: having qualities (such as placidity or dullness) characteristic of oxen or cows. had a stupid, bovine expression on his face.

What does SKEG mean in slang? ›

(Australia, slang) A surfer; a person who leads a surfing lifestyle.


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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.