The Courier and Argus from Dundee, Tayside, Scotland (2024)

THE DUNDEE COURIER AND ARGUS, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1890. Shipping. Sales by Auction. The Blieteg Officer of Willesboorae, a village near Warwick, reported yesterday a case of leprosy, the wife of a labourer named Dedd being badly affected in the arm. Five men.

have been drowned at Louisville, U.S., by the overturning of a caisson for a bridge. Twenty-fi we men have lost their lives through a mining accident in Pennsylvania. A man named Fred Davis shot his wife dead with a gun yesterday afternoon at Birmingham. Judgment in tbe Board of Trade inquiry, held for the purpose of ascertaining the circ*mstances NEW YORK CLOSING PRICES. Nbw York.

Friday. Silver Bullion, 105 to 105J. Money tight. Stocks at the commencement of business were very strong. Despite a partial reaction that took place during the day the market closed firm.

Cotton market closed steady and unchanged. At New Orleans the market continues to rute fairly firm and unchanged. Petroleum a steady market at unchanged quotations. Lard domed weaker, and there has been less business doing. Wheat on spot dull futures, however, were firm.

Flour has had a firm market, but business has been doll. Corn quiet, closing, however, firm at the advance. Sugar weak, owing to increasing Coffee has been dull and declining, and freely offereu. Tin business quiet, but the market, nevertheless, closed firm at a slight advance. Iron has bei quiet, closing, however, firm and unchanged QtlOTATlOP' (.

SHIPPING NEWS. ARRIVALS AT DUNDEE. TAMPKKDOWK DOCK. May Liverpool, 3330, Calder, Jettjr, juto Blary Ashburner, 93, Hughes, Perth, empty. CARL GREY DOC K.

May 16 Londonderry 71, 2S5, Craig, 8underlaad, coals. KINO WILLIAM DOCK. May 16 Resolute Henderson, Perth, wheat; Dunrobin, Burns, Ballacbulish, sUtes. IN THE May 1 Kvik, Christiania for Perth, Ice. AT TAYPOK7.

May 16 Gustaf, Johannsen, Stoka, timber. DEPARTURES FROM DUNDEE. May 1 Isla Robertson, Leith, part cargo; Princess Helena Sinclair, Liverpool, goods Antrim (s 4 "'own, Belfast, goods Rose Herd, Amble, -nipty Dart, hawrie, Newcastle, spent bark Forbeaet, I-oroci Methil. ballast Resolute Henderson, wheat Sierra Est.rella, Cardiff, ballast. i.Err TAYFOBT.

Ma 16 Heinrich Moll, Meyer, Riga, coals. ARRIVALS AT MONTROSE. May Brown, Dundee, general. DEPARTURES FROM MONTROSE. May .5 Vigilant, Souter, I.vun, oats Dinorwio, A rdeen, light; William Yule Goodsir, New-burgh, Albatross, Burrows, Glasgow, barley.

siderable concessions. The Caledonian Railway are well off. They have got nearly all they wanted without having the responsibility of a guarantee. British was comparatively steady at 658. It is quite evident that the operators are waiting the outcome of events.

The chief talk in Oil circles was the dividend of oung's Paraffin, at the rate of 7 per thls was exPectJ. the price was steady Oil shares remained firm. In Golds Cassels attracted a fair share of attention, at least there were a lot of persons selling. The starting price was 48s 6d, Is down, and the close stood at 4(5s. There are some selling who are qnite content with the profit they have received, while otheis who don't hold the shares say that they won't look at them.

The other day there were whispers going the rounds that Polloks were good to buy. When these reports are in everybody's mouth some think that is the time to sell. The price started to-day 3s dearer, at 21s, and concluded at 19 6d. Tinto declined at 18i, but Tharsia remained stationary at (i 6s fid." In the Miscellaneous section Lnion Bank was unaltered at 21. Eastman was fractionally back at 20ft.

Glasgow Cotton gained at 6j. Americans were cheaper, consequent upon the advices received from the other side. However, the downward movement was a little arrested in the afternoon. Canadians also slipped back a bit, and like Yankees recovered a little of the lost ground in the afternoon. Young's Paraffin have intimated a dividend of 7 per cent.

The following were the quotations at the close ot the market The large shin Liverpool, presently diseha-- at this port, has been chartered to leTdrf timber at Fredenckstad for Melbourne. Fibst Arrival fbom the Baltic Th Gustaf arrived at Tayport yesterday timber la! from being the first arrival from the this season. Brrach or Prohise Cask in action for 200 damages for alleged breach 2 promise of marriage was called for the first tin the Dundee Sheriff Court yesterday. The n'u is a young woman resident in the city. aadh defender is a seaman.

The parties, it courted for several years. On the oast be called an agent stated that defcadec had sailed Melbourne two days before the Miinroons ml served, and was aot likely to return for eiD. 5 months. He had been instructed to appear bu2 case by defender's wife, but in the absence of defender himself he would be unable st4tl defence. The ease was continued for defences that in all probability no more will be heard of it some length of time.

The Band-stand fOR the ag dalen Urjuj, The Committee of the Police Commission charged with the erection of a band-stand the Mae.iaj Green visited the ground and, alter spection, selected a site for the stand oppose, t' south end of Shepherd's Loan, and about muiwa! between Magdalen Yard Koad ami the Dundee xZ Perth Railway. The Committee alio offer made by Mr M'Karlaue, tha SSbsI Foundry, Glasgow, to provide an iron ban.l -staBA The -tand, which is of a handsome andartki design, will cost about 235, ami it is that the total cost, including the construction the mound on which the stand will re, MONETARY COMMERCIAL. London. Friday Evening. Quietness was characteristic of the Money market.

There was plenty of money, and very little doinj: in it cither in shape of loans or discounts. The tendency was rather weak. Short advances could be had at 1 to i per cent. Borrowers were not numerous, nor were their wants at all heavy. As regards discounts, not many hills were offering.

Three months' bills were done at 1 to 2 iei cent. Paris Cheque Exchange is 25.15. Business on the Stock Exchange has been fairly animated. Speculation for rise keeps up, being stimulated by cheapness of money. Chief attention has been given to British Railways, hut most other departments were steady, and the close generally was good.

Consols show further improvement, closing at 98i to OSg for delivery, and 983 to 98i for account Two-and-Thiee-Qnarters Per Cent. Childers, 99 to 994 Ter 95 to 954 Local Loans Stock, 1021 to 102. Dealings in Foreign Bonds were fairly active Spanish were haidly so strong. Egyptians firm, specially Datras. Turkish Tribute and Defence ami Hungarian and Russian keep firm.

A ood business done in Italians. Greeks steady. Titers has been some speculative buying of "Mexican" which close at 98. Buenos Ayres Cedulas weak, and to 1 down. The feature of the English Railway market has been the demand for heavy lines, owin- to the prospect of conversion being considered to have become much brighter.

The chief dealings have been North-Western and Midland, both of which have been quoted quite 1 per cent, up but Great Western an.l North-Eastern, though less influenced, have not been neglected. Scotch stocks were comparatively neglected, and were at times weak. Great Eastern rallied. Brighton A stock fluctuated very quietly. Chatham stocks and bouth-Eastern A have not been excited to-day by the prospect of an arrangement being come to between the two Companies which will result in an annual saving of 100,000, but the tone was steady.

Metropolitan District and Hull Barnslcy were tolerably firm. As regards Canadian Railways, there has been a continuance of the demand for Canadian Tacifics, which have further risen J. Grand Trunk Preferences, on the other hand, have declined to on realisations. DUNDEE TRADE REPORT. Fbidat.

The improvement reported in the Jute departments of the trade oa Tuesday is quite maintained, and a steady extent of business has again beea concluded iti Yarns and Cloth at rather firmer rates. To-day a further advance was asked, and this to some extent interfered with the buying. Manufacturers and spinners are, however, now well foresold, and the position of the trade at present looks better than it has done for some time. Tbe advices from Bueaoa Ayres are not so satisfactory to-day, it being reported that some of the importing houses are in difficulties, and, in consequence, orders for Hessians are being cancelled here. In the Linen trade, makers of cloth for shipment are moderately well engaged, but the inquiry from the home trade is still rather slow, while Flax and Yarns are very quiet indeed.

Flax, Tow, and Codilla. Little or no business is reported either in goods or for shipment. Supplies continue to come in from the Baltic very liberally, and these fill spinners' hands, so that until stocks get worked down somewhat no great extent of buying will be gone in for. Ritra is reported sold at 18 for and filG 10s for Hoffs c.Lf., and Pemau at 24 for Livonian f.o.b. Jctb.

In London a considerable number of transactions hare been carried through at advancing prices, and the demand still continues active. Here, both on spot and to arrive, the business concluded since Tuesday has been large, and quotations have gone up from 2s 6d to 5s per ton, thebest first marks being now quoted at 15. Among the sales reported are Double Triangle RAI-2, at 16 5s; CJ-B, at 11 and Diamond at15 5sci.f., dock; also. Circle BB.M, at 14, January shipment Circle at 14 15s and Circle Bullnbs, at 15, February, In new crop there is no fresh business reported. For the range of fine first marks 16 is quoted, but that price is considered too higu in the meantime.

Yarns. Flax and Tow sorts are still moviug off in small quantities, and some sales are reported at very low rates. Foreign wet spun wefts are also selling steadily. Jute Yarns have again been sold to some extent at rather higher prices, but a further ad now insisted upon is cheeking business. Common 8 lb.

weft cops have been sold at Is 5Jjd, Is oJd, and Is fid per spindle, and there is nothing now obtainable under the top price quoted. Linbns. A tolerably fair inquiry continues to be experienced for shipment at the rates lately ruling, but in the home trade things are inclined to languish a little, the orders being booked hardly taking off production. Sailcloth is without any change. Jute Fabrics.

Hessians are still moving off steadily, the demand for the lighter weights, more especially, keeping up well. Prices are very firm, and may be quoted 2d for light goods, and i to 2 jd for TO'j oz. 40 although tho tap price named is not being freely paid. Bagging is iu more request and dearer, but there is little doing in Sacking and Tarpauling. Caledonian, 124 8 I Cal.

Def. No. 1, 8 T's i rs G. Great Eastern, 88i G. N.

of 60 Great Western, lot Highland, 101 1 Brighton 155j i Hull Barnsle 3SI I 9 Chatham, 30 ft ts i ft N.B. 60,, iHS Rail. Invest. 3ft Canadian Pacific, 82 32 Trunk 77 Trunk 2d, Trunk 3d. 29J 30 Norfolk 68 4 8 71 8 Central Pacific.

30 ft Union Pacific, uSjj Erie, 2fli Ontario, 22J ft Milwaukee, 78 9 Ohio 25 jj Ohio 1st, 40J 1 Louis. 941 Denver, 10 ft Denver 074, Wabash CCJ Mexican. 45 Union Dank, 21 Bio Tinto, 181 Bio Tinto 18 Tharsi, 5 06 6 66 Thawis 5 7 Arizona Copper, 173 Maeon Barrv. 7 Myioro Gold, OfS 19 Indian Gold, 29 Ooregnm Gold. 43 Caasel Gold, 486 S9 86 83 8 79 76 7 66 56 09 06 5 a6 6 Caasel New, 48 76 56 46 Camel 3d, 28 76 5 Pollok Patents, 21 16 13 1 13 16 2 23 26 29 23 Young' Paraffin, 64 Clippens Oil, 6 Burntisland Oil, 90 Linlithgow Oil, 58 Broxburn Oil, 18 gft Pmnpherston Oil, 10 ft Indiarubber, 18 Glenboig Fireclay, 8 Eastman's, ft DUNDEE STOCK EXCHANGE.

Dundee, Friday, Closing Report. Name of Stock. Business Done. Buveri. Seller- Dundee Police 3AZ Dundee Water Dun.

Loch Dun. Loch Line (5 Dundee Shipow ners Northern Assurance Alliance Trust Co. (2 British Invest. Trust Western Hawaiian Hansford Land Cattle Matador l.aad Cattle tlOol fl05l leO 195 07,6 1476 76 68 100J 106 25 30 49 -389 On THURSDAY, 22d Mat. IMPORTANT SALE OF THE WHOLE FURNITURE, FURNISHINGS, FITTINGS, and UTENSILS OF THE VICTORIA COFFEE PALACE," VICTORIA ROAD, Dundee.


Sale at 12 Noon. C.B. On View on WbdiCs5TjaY, 21st curt. Fuller Particulars on Ti esdav. JAMES GALLACHKR, Auctioneer, 25 Lochee Road.

Furniture Carefully Removed and Stored. Cash Advances made on all Consignments of Household Effects. ALEX. HENRY, Auctioneer and ValuatorTllS Mnrraygate. Sale of Furniture and Miscellaneous Effects every Monday, Tuesday, and Friday.

Parties dis--'ing of Effects will find these Sales the best Medium for Realising without delay, risk, or trouble. Furniture Exchanged, and Sales Conducted with care and efficiency ALEX. HENRY Sella, 58 LUybank Road, This Afternoon, 2 o'clock, Stock Superior Crockery, Clothing, Furniture, S-wing Machine, Shelving. Ac. ALEX.

HENRY Sell, Monday, Tuesday, and Friday Next, Extensive Consignments Superior Furniture, Bedsteads, Mattresses, Carpets, Rugs, Miscellaneous Effects, Ac. ALEX7hENRY SelU, No. 1 Ireland's Lane, Saturday Next, Half -Past Four Afternoon. Grocery, Confectionery, Shop-Fittings, Scales, Brass Bell Weights, Furniture, Iron Bedsteads, Ac, belonging to Mrs Jupp. Publications.

C. "Sergeant Sadler's Friends wo striking btones. Illustrated. Price One Penny each. Drummond's Tract Depot, 8tirlinc.

Wines, Groceries, WE Steadily Maintain a High Standard of Excellence in all our Goods TEAS, GROCERIES, and PROVISIONS. Sell only for Cash, and Give the Best Value Possible. On General Orders of 2 for Town or Country we give a Discount of 2i Per or Pay Carriage to any Station within 30 Miles. Packing Cases Frel. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION.

PEEBLES BROTHERS, TEAMEN AND GROCERS, WHITEHALL STREET. 31 KlENNA, 68 and 70 Blackscroft. ENNA'S Old Scotch Whisky. 31 lV ENNA'S Old Irish Whisky. 31 IV.ENNA'S Whiskies are Unequalled.

31 YL. ENNA'S Price is 2s 9d per Bottle. 31 KENNA'S Price is 16s 6d per Gallon. 31 KENNA Delivers to Any Part. 31 Kk.ENXA, Aent for Guinness' Stout.

If ENNA Desires Orders for above in Wood or aTE IV I M'Kesv Bottle. 68 and 70 BVackscvoft. A perfect blending TRY TT of the choicest Brands of the TRY IT Highest Class of Fine Old Whiskies in their originalpurity and absolutely un-tamjiered with. Seven Years of Age, positively guaranteed. Matured in Sherrv cask.

A luxury in Pure Old Whisky. An ex-Ouisite blending so harmouioua in combination, soevenly balanced, to delicately flavoured, agreeably pleasant to the palate, jiossesin; character so entirely its own, that it may fairly claim the tirel place among High-Clas Stimulants. Experts and clever judges pronounce it unique and unrivalled. It is remarkable for its delicious individuality of flavour, mellowness and softnesx-. A very Nectar of (Spirit, and in striking contrast to the ordinary Blended Whiskies, which are moie or leas dominated by one or other of the Whiskies used in Blending.

To sum up its is a pure Whisky of choii-e quality, a Blendof the highest clas- of Whiskies produced in Ireland, age guaranteed unquestionably the best combination of the inos.tfaiuoustypei'of Irish Whiskies ever offered to the public. We areskilled Blenders of Whiskies, with a practical experience extending over many years, and unhesitatingly assert that no Blend can behadsof itlly comtilying with critical andfastidious tastes as the one now offered to the public. In Bottles, 2s lOd; or lft per Gallon. Ocii.ty THY IT Grocery A Spirit TRY IT. Establishment CT Hilltown.

TRY I T. BIRR US WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WINE AND SPIRIT ESTABLISHMENT, 18 HIGH STREET, DUNDEE, IS well known for the Fine Quality of Goods kept Special Blend of Old Malt Whisky (average age 6 Years), at 3s per Bottle. Wry Old Special, lOd per Gill. Sherries, Ports, CIsret, Champagne, from Is 3d per Bottle upwards. Allsopp's Pale Ale.

Combe's D.B. and I.iipma! Stout in Fine Condition. Sandwiches Cigars Ac Principal Football Results. LINDSAY LOW HAVE REDUCED PRICE OF BREAD AS UNDER VIENNA and FRENCH BREAD 5id per 4 Lb. Very Fine HOUSEHOLD 4jd MILK BREAD 3d per Loaf PARISIAN BREAD 2d EMPIRE LOAF (for Tea) 1 DIGESTIVE BREAD (Entire Wlieatcn), 2Jd The above to be had at LINDSAY LOW'S various Agencies throughout City and District.

WaddelE's sausages ARE THE BEST. DR CLARK, Ph.D., F.C.6., F.I.C., Glasgow City Analyst, certifies, after Careful Analysis and CoiujMiriso'n, that WADDELL'S SAUSAGES sic more Nutritious than the Finest Fillet Steak. DfKDKE Retail BraSi uek 81 HAWKHILL, 3 CRICHTON STREET, and 62 WELLGA I'E. Perth Branch 21 SOUTH MEl'HVEN STREET. Telephone No.

131. COAL MARKET. LONDON. Fp.iHAY. Market was dull to-day at last prices.

Waliscnd Helton and Lainbton, lib Hetton Lyons and Wear, 17s per ton. FISH MARKETS. ABERDEEN, Fridav. Prices: Cod, Ps to 20s ler score ling, Is 2d to 2s 3d each; saithe, 2s td to us wl per score; large haddocks, lis 6d to 16s er box; small Ss to 'Js per box: large whitings, 1 to 12s box small ga to 3s per box lemon soles, "JSs to 34 per box jilaice, 23s to 28s per box nkatc 13- to Ha per score codlings, 2s tid to 3 per box turbot, iK to 70s per est. brill, 60s to 55s par and halibut, '0o to 3ri- per GLASGOW, 1-KiUAV.

To-day'r, prices were Smoked haddocks, unlit 46s tid to 51s od quality, 31s tid i 42-t5djer barrel fresh haddocks, first quality. 13-i second quality, to 10s 7s to 13s -od, 4s to 7s mixtures and small, 5s to loc Rounders, 1 4s to 19s; Findon haddocks (Grimsby cure), tirst quality, 2tis to 26s Odper barrel, and 13s 6d per kit: rmoked cod. 12s to liis jier cwt. halibut, 2jd to 4d turbot, 4d to 7d per lb. BILLINGSGATE, Friuav.

Good supply and demand. Turbot, 7s brill, 5s halibut, 4s per cod, 40s to 70s per ec re red nmllrt, 3d to td live skate. 3sto6s each; salmon, Is 9d to Is Hid lOd sole-. Is 2d; dories, fd per n-, 30-- whitings, 4s t'd 12s per box; dead knte, 10s deJ cod, lus grey mullet, per box lrhh mackerel, 5s rd per ecore Cornish, lis per pad; live eels, 25a per draft MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. MANCHESTER TRADE.

Friday. The amount of actual business put through this werk has in feu cases exceedea quite moderate dimensions. There is no speculative buying, and purchasers confine to par cels foi pressing requirement. To-day shows no Prices continue firm, but the general demand is, if anything, less tliau earlier in the week. Yarns are slow, but slnggish.

Cloth bnsiness at full rates is scarce, and the dav's transactions small iu bulk. IjON DON HOPS, Friday The demand for hops fluctuates from day to day, ac ording to the actual reqnire-ments of consumers There is just now rather more inquiry, but stocks are ao short that brewers find it very difficult to buy just the quantities they are in want of. Imports continue to be verr moderate, as all foreign market are higher in prices than co aid be obtained in the Borough market. DUNDEE AND LONDON THE DUNDEE, PERTH, AND LONDON SHIPPING COMPANY'S Powerful btauiitrt will nx'hrr m.a,i other Caulu. excepted) a tolluwe Frov vr From Iokdok.

Saturday, May 17, Dundee, 12 Midn'l. Wednesday, May 21, Cguinbria. 9 P.M. fcaturday, Mv 24, liaturday. May 17, Cambria, 12 Noon.

Wednesday, May 21, Dundee, 11 AM. fcaturday, May 24. Doadee, 1 r.u. Cambria, li ruon. Extra Slaatssrr, -will .1.

Fanes Firrt Caein, including Steward's Kee. 22 Return Ticket, available for Three Month, 3J. Second Cabin Return. 22 tirt. io Wednesday, May 21, London.

a.m. Tuesday. May 2V, Hum. to lr.vni-. Satur.lay, May 17, Ixmdou, 3 Saturday.

May 24, London. 7 r.M. r.u. First Cabin, 12Cd; Return, 2us. oecona caoin, 7 Keiuin.

I2t i.a. Further tarticulis can be obtained at the CouriNiV Sffici, Shore Terrace. W. KIPD. Manaeer.


Fort Full Information and to secure Berths, apply to the An borised JAB A. ANDERSON, fi St Andrew Street. Dundee. SUMMER By tlie Splendid Ste-1 Steam Yacht ftHj'ST SCNNTVA" (1000 Tons). WEST COAftT an.l FIORD CRUISES (12 Day from LEITH and ABERDEEN (Passenger only), on S4TH MAY, 7th JL'NE, and Fortnightly thereafter.

The St SrsMVA i Fitted with Electric Light, has Large and Airy State Koom, Jadies Saloont, fcuioking Eooru: Hot and Cold ball Water Bath, und ample provi-bri foi the comfort and convenience of Tourist. Hand bookfc. 3d. For full particulars and the securing of Berths apply to WORDIE South Union street, Dundee. STATE LINJT STEAMSHIPS SAIL KOM GLASGOW TO NEW YORK EVERY FRIDAY.

2 LOWEST CABIN FARES ON THE ATLANTIC. Saloon Passage 7 7s to 8 8s. According to Accoiuiuodation. Steerage Passenci-KS Can ied at Lowest Rates to BOSTON, BALTIMORE, and PHILADELPHIA, and all Fai of the UNITED STATES and CANADA. Apply to THE STATE STEAMSHIP Limited, 05 Great Clyde Street, Glasgow 4 India Building, Dundee or Peter Fleming, 44 High Street, Dundee G.

Rutherford Thomson, Auctioneer, Arbroath D. Crawford Smith. 1 Queen Stieet, Craigie, Perth Andksw Air, Quoen Street. Broughty Ferry David Dick, Forfar Black Johuston, Stationers, Brechin; James Burt, 201 High Sciect, Kirkcaldy John S. Chalmers, do Marischal Stieet.

Aberdeen ANCHOR" LINK AMERICA, INDIA, AND MEDITERRANEAN. GLASGOW TO NEW YORK. Circassia, Mj22 I Furn-n-ia, June 12 Anchoria, Ma 29 I June i'J Ethiopia, June i Circassia, June 26 FIRST CLASS FARKs REDUCED TO 9 9s AND UPWARDS SECOND CLASS, 6 be STEERAGE REDUCED TO 4. LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK (Exprfjmj Sr.Rvjcti. 6.S.

City of Rome, 6144 Tons. 12,000 Horse Power. Saturday, May 17th. Saturday, June 14th. Fares ijaloou.

12 and upwards Cabin and sitei-ras at lxw Ratm. Tourist Ticket iooued to Parties at ReJucsd Rates. TO BOMBAY AND KURRACHKE. Fieri. Glasgow.

From Liverpool. Persia May 17. Saturday, May 24 Britannia. May SI June 7 Caryo iu. KuiTaciice will transhipid at Bombay.

TO CALCUTTA DIRECT. From Glaseonr. From Liverpool. MoB'iay. .1 line Monday, June 10 Fare to Bombay and Calcutta as lew as by any other First Class Lioa GLASGOW TO GIBRALTAR.

GENOA, LEGHORN, NAPLES. Columbia Wednesday, May 21 Pamphlet on Land. Free on to HENDERSON Glasgow, Liverpool, London, and I Pa KM I Rt. Mf.iirr, Dundee. JAF A ANDERSON.

St Andrew's Street, Dundee JOB.V 70 Hib Street, Arbroath. DAVID FALCONER, Jeweller, Forfar. JOHN M'NICOLL, Is Bank Street, Kirriemuir GEORGE BO ITER. Montrose. A 1 UNAS', Stationer.

Ac, Alytli. JOB A I Gi ojei Raitrav. JOHN S'iEED A 44 HariGchal Aberdeen. It. DAVIDSON.

2 Correctien Wynri. Aberdeen. T1HE BEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTES 10 MOST PLACES IN A KRICA ARE 1HOSE OF THE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS or THE "ALLAN LINE, Which regularly from GLASGOW to QUEBEC GLASGOW to BOSTON, and from GLASGOW to PHILADELPHIA, cirrym; Pasngers at Lowest Ibites. Paasengf if are booked tlirough from GLASGOW to NLW YORK and to all the Principal Station in the United States anii Canada. In theae special) atteution is paid to STEERAGE and INTERMEDIATE PASSENGERS BtciWAi attend all Female Pasaeugers, and an ex- ate uigtMn is carried oi, each Steamer.

tin on gh cars to the Pacific entirely throngh Canadi.m RediK-ed lu ilway Faiefiom ieadiug sutions to Glasgow and LiTerpuol For I'ampiileta and Maps ajvply to I A I.ICXANDER ALLAN, India Biiil'dings, DUNDEE, and 70 Great, Ciyde Street, tilagow. JAS. A. ANDERSON, St Andrew Street, Dundee. ANDREW A) lieeu Street, Broughty Kerry.

WM HOWIE. MillTau, Da'. iL DIi K. Bookseller A Sutionei, East Port Cosftrx, I BLACK A- High Street, Brechin. D.

CRAWFoRD SMITH, 19 Queen Street, Craigie GE' DQlf Street. Couuar Angus. HENRV DRYEKRE, io High Street, Rlaiifowrie. GLO. M'CMLLOCH.

Boaksellex, CneB. JOHN 'HARDY, Gi-prr, U.rriemuir. A. SIMPSON, Chemist. Forfar.

ENEAS MACKA Bookseller and sutioner, StiiTin-JOiiN L-UOK A SON, e2 Marischal Street, "i ai.v A ten is ol the Line FOR mL BI.OOD IS TII.1C i.iur "CLARKE a TOEID-FAMED LOOD MIXTURE. rHE GREAT BLOOD JiL KIFlER RESTORER IoR CLEANSING and CLEA RING the BLOOD tro ALL IMPURITIES. cannot be too hirhly Fo; la, Sc urvy, Eczeuia, Skin and Blood Diseases nd Bops, of all it is a ncver-failirg and permanent Lurt. Oniet Old Sor. Cores Sorcson the- Neck.

Sore Legs. Cures B.ackhed or Pimples on the Fac. Cures Scurvy. Cues Ulceri. Cuie Bloon and sikin D.seases Cures Glandular Swellings.

Clears the Biood from all Impure Mat Lei From whatever cause arising. As till Mixture is pleasant to the taste, and i flee lroui anything iarurions to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the Piopnetors solicit sufterers to eire it a trial to test its alue. 1 feel duty bound to inform you of the wonderful effect of Clarke's Blood Mixtuie on me. I lure had suffering OTr two years ot severe nature. I tirsl consulted the Lest -ueaical aid I could possib lv procure till niv mean.

wee run out, and with a sad heart I was compelled to oojuo into me workhouse hospital where 1 am now. ld b-en in here 16 months, and my leg- gradually sot wors-1 lgan to think the wou'd neTei get beiu-i. till 1 read of Clarke's Bleed and 1 that when 1 could raise means 1 would try it eo I uommenced to J-pnveiuyell of little neeeinariet, till at I rai-d killings. 1 commtnued to the Bloud Mixture bo iionday, May 6th. I then iiad live wound ou the Irs.

one very large ou the ankle hone, one on the cal RlMUt the ize of hall-a-crown, and thr-f on the shin almost as large. The right leg was somewhat -imilar but there were tiirce soitt which 1 thoaght wouid break into one. All are per fectly healed up no but one small pla. on lefL ankle aooul the tfa of a shilling. There are fifteen itient io the ward that 1 an.

in, and they were surprised to usy leg. when i foul taken tile udxtnse week and there aie three of them now uin-it. very sorry iodeed thai 1 cannet purchase another bottle and if yoo would kindly ciid iue a Muall 1 should be able to get it, and 1 ucvci fltall forget a lone a I live Your faithfully Lew skb si ai No. Waid, Aoalb, Ruad Workhouse HospiUl Hull, June 13, 1888. l.ATl.K.

1 write to let you know hu 1 am getting on. I received bottle of Mixture you sent me, and the wounds ate now completely beaied up. I will be eut of here in a fen day and get to work, hich already promiaed mc I aru to. r.fc to reside at istei Mr Bullmri jo Griiusby lane, Market Place, Hull. If you wish to use this caae for tht benefit of other suBerersdo so.

Tue results of your Mixture is really wonderful. I remain ytu ihenkful servant, RttW Si atuers. June 26, 1PS. Sold in bottles. 2s fid and lis each, by all CHEMIST.

eud PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world or soul for 33 or 132 stamps by THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG COMPANY, Lin oln. TRADE MARK. BLOOD MIXTURE. Ask for CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE and du net be jKtauaded. to Ukc uaiutuoa.

attending the loss of the s.s. Newport, of Dundee, was given in the Dundee Sheriff Court yesterday. The Court regarded the case as far from free from elements of suspicion, but as they could condemn no man on mere suspicion, and as they did not find it proved that the failure of the captain to notice that the ship was sinking caused the loss of the ship, they declined to deal with his certificate. The Dundee tailors have refused to compromise their present dispute on the understanding that they would receive an advance to 5jd per hour on the new log. They hold that by accepting it they would be in a worse position than before the strike began.

Mr James "Will, who, as a member of the city police force, was on night duty on the High Street for the long period of 30 years, was yesterday presented with a silver watch and gold albert by the shopkeepers in the centre of the city. A deputation, representative of Forfarshire and Perthshire will likely meet Mr Chaplin, President of tbe Board of Agriculture, in regard to the restrictions imposed against the importation of United States cattle. The trial "William Dickenson and his wife at the Liverpool Assizes yesterday for the murder of the female prisoner's child at Ince was not concluded. The missing keys of the house 126 Portway, West Ham, in which the dead body of Amelia Jeffs was round some months ago, were discovered last night by a tenant, Mr Bitten, between bricks at the top of the house. Mr Gladstone addressed a large and enthusiastic meeting in the Agricultural Halt, Norwich, last night.

He denied that the Government had received any considerable obstruction, and said the Opposition had supported the good measures, endeavoured to strengthen the weak ones, and only strenuously opposed the bad ones. In this last category he enumerated the Irish Land Purchase Bill and the Compensation to Publicans measure. This last Bill, he promised, would have the consistent opposition ef himself and tbe whole Liberal party. Last night the members of the Perth Students' Union held an Home, "at which Mr C. S.

Parker, M.P., spoke, aud presented gifts to Mr Munro for his services to the Union and for promoting educational matters. Yesterday in the Queen's Bench before Justice Cave and a special jury Arthur Newton, solicitor, and Fred Taylorson, his clerk, were charged with conspiring to defeat the fends of justice iu connection with the Cleveland Street scandals. Newton pleaded guilty, and sentence was deferred. Taylor-son was discharged. MR GLADSTONE IN EAST ANGLIA.

The enthusiastic greetings Mr Gladstone received yesterday failed to elicit from him any important declaration on the political questions that are at present under discussion. No new gospel was delivered to the expectant crowds who listened to his speeches. On the contrary, the ex-Premier's audiences had to listen to recapitulations of the lessons Mr Gladstone draws from recent bye-elections, and to repetitions of the terms of abuse he so frequently employs against his former colleagues. These familiar oratorical efforts wero varied ly slight references to two more modern topics. One of these was the conduct of business in the House of Commons, antl the other was the proposal to give compensation to publicans for licenses withdrawn.

In connection with the first Mr Gladstone gave evidence of a somewhat uneasy state of mind. He is very anxious to let the electors know there is no obstruction in the House of Commons. So vehement were his protestations that it is riot improbable he will defeat his own purpose by drawing public attention more closely to the tactics pursued by the gentlemen who sit on the Opposition benches. It can readily be admitted that Mr Gladstone is not personally guilty of wanton obstruction, but it is impossible to include his followers in this admission. An excellent illustration of their method of working is to be found in the report of last night's discussion on the Budget Bill.

Irishmen believe they have a grievance, and, as their custom is, they have not been slow to tell the Government about it. Nobody can object to this proceeding on their part, but it is not easy to understand why they should have the active support of Sir William Harcourt. It may be taken for granted that Mr Parnell and Mr Healy were quite well able to state their own case. The intervention by the temporary leader of the Gladstonians on this occasion is all the more remarkable when it is remembered that he was silent when it was urged the other night that Scotland's voice through its representatives should be accepted as decisive on a point connected with the same subject. Scotsmen need not look for any assistance from Mr Gladstone's present following, though Irishmen readily obtain it.

In the circ*mstances, there is certainly room for the suspicion that Gladstonians are actuated by motives of antipathy to the Ministry rather than by a genuine desire to secure the best legislation possible. All Mr Gladstone's professions avail nothing when compared with the statement made last night by Sir William Harcourt. Mr Gladstone's eferences to the licensing proposals amounted simply to a fresh declaration of the sentiments he expressed the other night in the House of Commons. On the whole, his speech is one of the most disappointing he has ever delivered. The Court which sat The Loss of the to inquire into the S.S.

Newport. loss of the s.s. Newport, of Dundee, have not dealt with the master's certificate. But the Court are of opinion that the master was in default in failing to notice that the head of the ship was going down the moment he came on deck. They regard the case as far from free of elements of suspicion.

hey more particularly refer to the unexplained removal of the pm from the iron rod that held up the sluice, the consequent opening of which sluice allowed the water to pass from the forehold to the engineroom. The Court, however, observe that they cannot condemn a man on suspicion. Thev do not find it proved that the failure of the captain to timeously notice that the ship was sinking caused her loss. It cannot be said that the Court have been too harsh in their judgment in the case. Indeed, those composing Board of Trade Courts of Inquiry seldom err on the side of severity.

Their powers are not great, and they know it. Of course, so far as this particular inquiry is concerned, the very expression of a suspicion that there had been neglect on the part of the master is a not inconsiderable punishment, and the effect of the judgment ought to be a caution to him and others in nimilar circumatiaixces. I May 16. MONEY. May 15.

I May 14. Call Money, U.S. Bonds, 5 p.c. I Other Securities, 5 p.c. Ex.

on London, fiO days' sight, Do. Cable Transfers, Bx. on Paris, 60 days' sight, Do. on Berlin, 00 davs' sight, 1 90 i U.S. Funded Loan, 122 Western Union Telegraph.

I 8'i RAILWAYS. 54 83J I t4-SHI $5-193 00i I 122 0 87 6ft! SO, 1274 110: hoi 7i wi 78 1 116 1 0i 01 2811 104 i 3 p.r. 3 44-841 I'O-1 122" ffij 49.1 S7I 70i 60 SI 127 34i 115J I47 77 1 121 78 P-'I 116 I11J as 16 104 1 Atchison.Topeka, Santa Fe. I 4.J Do. 4 Mortgag- Bonds- 871 Do.

5 Income Bonds, 1 nad Southern, 60 Canadian Pacific, I SI Central of New Jersey. I 120j Central Pacific, 36 Chicago Nortli-Weatern, 11 ii Do. Preferred, H6 Chicago, St Panl, 77 Do. Preferred. 120 Cleveland, St Louis, Jo4 Lien ver Rio Grande, Illinois Central, 116 Lake Shore Mich.

111 Louisville Nashville, Michigan Central, MJ Missouri, Kansas, and Texas. 1 17 N.Y., Lake Erie, Western, W. Do. Second Mortgage Bonds, 104 N.Y. Central Hudson River.

1 N.Y., Ontario, Western, 212 Northern Pacific, 1 35J Do. Do. Preferred, 8Sj Norfolk fe Western 0 1 dinar. 65f Ohio fe Mississippi, 2i Pennsylvania fePhiladolph- 51 H.ils.lelnbia fe Readimr. 4t'J Do.

5 1st Income Bonds 73 Do. 4 SIo tgag 1 Bonds, 80 Louis and Francisco, 34 Do. Preferred, 64; Union Pacific 071 21 i 831 4j 4 831 00 24 64, 444 80 30 04 an Oti nil nil nil lli0 11-94 llfi 11 7 30 7-20 7 "2D 674 40 341 10-32 4 41 42 1021 ij 97 931 16 30-35 1610-15 2-00-05 24-00 14 95 20-SO 32 3d 3-32d Wabash. St Louis, fe Pacific. 14J Do.

Preferred. 1 30 I COTTONS. Cotton Receiptsat U.S. Ports, 1 nil 1 Export to Great Britain, 2,006 Export to Continent, 1,000 Do. tutures Next month, 11 "90 3 months hence I 1105 Do.

Middling Upland at N.Y. I HtS New Orleans, I lltj '42 S9i, 2,000 1.000 11 97 11-94 n-ri 111 7-35 7-2r MISCELLANEOUS. Petroleum Crude. r-35 Do. Stand.

White at N. York, I Do. do. at Philadelphia, Do. Pipe Line Certificates, Turpentine, Spirit of Savannah Lard, Wilcox's Spot Tallow, Prime City, 1 7-20 7-291 Sdi 40 34i 6-40 1 1 II 41.1 42J 104 I lOOij 7 29 Soj 40 34J i-4T cmcgwE, uui ieiin.

Corn, New Mixed Wtn. Spot, Do. Futures, June, Do. do. Aug.

Wheat, Spring No. 2 Spot, Red Winter Spot, Oo. Entire, May, Do. Aug Chicago, Wheat, June, Do. Com, June, Coffee, Fair Rio, Good Rio, Do.

Futures No.7 next niontl Do. 3 months hence, Flour.ex 8tte Ship'g brand, Iron, Coltni' is No. 1, Copper, June, Tin, Australian, Steel Rails Freight forGrainStm. L'poo) Do. to London Oo.

for (jotton to LiveriA 10a 4U 42; 103 99 1 97 941 033 34 2 1 20J 16-30-35 16 16-10 2 65-95 24-50 14-95 21-15 32, 2d 3d 3 32d 90" 3J 191 20 1610-20 16 lli-5 21 00 14-90 21-20 2W 3d 3-32d 'Nominal. CORN MARKETS. DUNDEE, FniOAV. The market was quieter to-day, and price-, more cpecially of barley and oats, were easier. Wheat in demand.

Wheat, 62 lbs. per 28s Od 31s Od Barley, 04 lb. per 24s Od 20s Od Do. 26b 6d Od Oats, 40 18s li 0d Beans. 03 28s Od 30s Od MONTROSE, Friday.

Trade quiet for wheat and barley. Oats good sale at fld to 9d per quarter advance. Beans up 2s. Prices Wheat, 02 30s to 31s Od; barley, 54 20s to 26s Vd oats, 0 ISs to 19s; beans, 03 lbs, 33s; flour, 2S0 2Ss to 30s oatmeal, 140 10s to 10s Hd. PERTH, Friday.

Average attendance of farmers and dealers, and a fair amount of grain on offer. The demand was quiet. 62 to 03 28s Od 30s Od Barley, common, 54 to 0r 20s Od Od Barley, 54 to 50 25s Od 28s Od Oats, 40 to 42 17s Od 18s 6d Oatmeal, per sack of 280 32s Od Od Flour, line, 32 Od 42s Oil second, 23s Od 28? od Beans. 63 29s Od 31s Od STIRLING, Friday. The snpply of 21-aiu at this day's market war.

215 vix. 173 qrs. oats, 30 benns, and 12 barley. Oats, top, 22s 6d per quarter, weighing 44J lb. per bushel tid up on the top lowest, 19s.

weighing 42 average price, 21s OJd 2td down. Beans, top, 3's Od per quarter, weighing 00 lbs. per bushel unaltered on top lowest, 30s Od, weighing 05 lbs. average price, 32s dd ld up. Barley, top, 30b per weighing 05 per bushel lowest, Ss, weighing 521 lbs.

average price, 29s 2d ABERDEEN, Friday. The following are the quotations Oats (new) per 40 lbs. 18s Od 18a fid Bere(new), per 40 lbs 21s Od 22s Od Barley (new), per 45 21s Od 25s Od Oatmeal, per boll of 140 0s Od 15s Od Flour per sack of 280 28s 6d Os Od Flour (extra), per sack of 2S0 31 6d Os Cd Flour, patent, per sack of 2S0 lbs. 34s il 36s Cd GLASGOW, Friday. Small attendance at to-day's Exchange.

Market qniet, and prices remain unaltered since Wednesday. Weather showery. KELSO, Fn ida v. Small attendance. Short supplier Quiet trade for all kinds of grain, which sold at recent quotations.

Wheat. 2t's to 30s; barlev, lid to 3o o.ts, 18s to 21s pcr-jr! WAKEFIELD, Friday. There is only a retail demand for wheat, but the tone is steady, and buyers have to pay full prices. English wheat in small supply without quotable alteration, and meets only a slow sile. American maize and Egyptian beans in buyers' favour.

Oats firm Odessa maize iVI per quarter dearer. Grinding barley 3d per quarter dearer. LIVER POOL, Friday. With about an average attendance, wheat is in moderate request, but holders asking higher prices checks business on the spot futures also held for more money, but no sales reported. Maize on iii fair reunet at Jd over Tuesday's rates optionsthe turn against, buyers.

Flour firm, and in worae cases more rhw HB mad Beans father Peas held for fully 2a aua i. METAL MARKETS. GLASGOW PIG-IRON, FarriAY. Market flut fair business. Jusiness doae at 44s lld and 44s OJd cash, snd 40s IJd and 44s 8d one month closing buyers, 44s 7d c.tsh, and 44s 81d one month sellers, Id more.

Middlesbrough warrants done at 41s to 41s ld cash, and 41s 3d to 41s ld one month; closing buTei, 41s cash. and 41s ld one month sillers, ld more. Hematite warrant done at 03s 9d and 53s OJd cash, and 03s 10d and 03s 7id one month closing buyers, 53b fid ctsh, and 7Ad one mouth tellers, Id more. Second Report. Market firm moderate business.

Business done at 44s 7pl, 44s Od, and 44s 9d cash, and 44s 9d, 44s Sd, and 44s lOId one month; closing buyers, 44s 9d cash, and 44s lO.Jd one month; sl)ers Id more. Middlesbrough wat-rants done at 40s 10d and 41s OAd crpOi, and 41s to 41s 2Jd one month; closing buyers, 41s evish, and 41k I'd one month'; sellers, 41s 01 1 cesh, and 41s 2.M one month. Hematite warrants donj at 53s Od cash, and 53 7d one moath closing 03. 6d cash, and 03s 7.1d onenionth sellers, Id more. LONDON, Friday.

Copper lirm, 52 12s Od to 02 13s I'd cash rOSs to 03 2s 6d three months. Tin firm Straits, 'J4 12s Od cah 95 5s three months. Australian, 00. English ingots, 98 10. Spelter, 23 to 23 10s.

according to time of delivery. Spanish lead, 13; English 13 is ikl 13 0s. scotch pig-iron, 44s lod cash 44s Id one month. COTTON MARKET. LIVERPOOL, Friday.

American moderate business previous Brazils idle. Egyptian 100 at previous Ea-t Indian fair business, steady rates. Sales, S0O0 bales, including 1000 for exort or spallation. Futures partially point higher May-June, 6 2S-04d; June-July. 6 3i--4d July-August, 0 August-September, 0 30-04d September-Octo-bei, ii October-November, 0 02j-0ld; November-cetuber, 0 OO-Old December-January 5 09-04d.

POTATO MARKK'rS. PERTH, Friday. Btuineis was restricted to a few of magnums at 25s to 30s and champion 27s Od per ton. LONDON, Ckioay. Regents, 40s to S3s Hebrons.

30s to sOs magnums, 40stol0'J; 30s to 003 Uood supply, and trade steady for best soits. THE LIVE STOCK TRADE. John Swan fe Sons' weekly report says The supplies of home-fed fat cattle in the principal Scotch markets have nut been quite so largo thi. werk. 'iVadc lias been generally quieter at i.

oliglit reduction in fat our of buy-rs. There was a numerous attemtutce of English customers but their operation v.ere limited. The unprece.leiHeo arrivals of States cattle affecting the ilcmand for home stock tbrougliout the entire country, American home-killed cattle being freely offered nt td to Od per lb. in carcase. Secondary and inferior descriptions of cuttle have been quite u3 dear, an.l the close a cle iranc; been made.

Fat sheep have te-. shown in smaller In Edinburgh pie vious piice-i were obtained, ami in Glasgow an advance of Is to 2s was realised, Lambs were shown in heavier number-, and met .1 steady trade at ipuitc previous rates. Calves more numerous, and made a less money, while prices for pigs have Le--n fairly well maintained. There nus been lare of store sheep on offer. The favourable v.eaihe:- has caused a good inquiry to be made, and as nearly ai possible previous rates liaTe been realised, with a good clearance.

Store Uiltlo have just been the turn worst- to sell, and a few have been left unsold. MiJk cows have been a l-ge and g'hhl show. Trade decidedly wurs-, and prices from 30s to 40 lower. Foreign for week have cu-sibtedof about 1200 States cattle, which have made from stoOsOd per utone; S00 Danish cattle of a moderate principally sold for The opening shipment of Cauadian cattle, consisting of about 1200, will arrive in time for nevt week's market. Top price of best beef, 8s, in some cabcs slightly exceeded secondary, 7s Od to 7s 9d bulls and cow, 0s to Cs 6d per atone bst mutton, to 9d clipped, 8d to 8d per lb.

beat lambs, 38s to 40s secondary, 32s to 34a each. Tehh. Full Set. One Guinea Single Teeth frm 2d Best Value evei Offered. Di Stewart, Deatiat 3 South Liudaay Street, Doadte.

ADVICES OF DUNDEE STEAMER Albany SntppiNr: Report. Aviem re,, at Hcrnosand fm Cronstadt, May 11 KENiu-tE, Prior, 1 Methil Crontadt, May 8 I). Hkvvk Rtro-ir. CiAWGEf Roberts, 1 Colombo Genoa, April 23 Poltn Guy, at Dundee fm St Johns (N.F.), May 15 W. S.

Report. I'oull, Dencbar. at Batoum fm Antwerp, May 15 Meshrk P. M. Di'ncan Son's Ameti Clark, at Libau fm Tyne, May 14 Bervi Campbell, at Tyne fm Dundee, May 15 DiaV' Davidson, at, Ixmdon fm Burriana, May 16 Emkr ld.

Oswald, at Riga fm Newcastle, May 11 Jaspsi, Douglas, Elsinore Cronstadt fm Leitti, May 15 Opal Riga fm Copenhagen, May 15 Ruby. Webster, 1 Burntisland Kiel. May 16 Johnston, at Aarhuud fm Sunderland, May lfl I.och Link Rrport. Loch ard, Morgan, 1 Cronstadt, London, May 10 i.ocn Stive, Allison, at Copenhagen fm Akyab, May IS LOCH iarry, Lee, at Copenhagen fm Burntisland, My 16 Loch Katrine, Cameron, at Dundee fm Middlesbiough, pril 29 Cocii Doig, 1 Yarmouth Burntisland, May 16 Loci. I.omono, Stephen, Gibraltar fm Akyab Jremerhaven, May 16 Loci Ness, Thornton, 1 London Burntisland, May 9 Loci Rannoch, Young, 1 Constantinople Sevastopol, I 10 London Shippino Report.

aoad Sea, Lowden, at Aberdeen fm Oran, May 12 Sea, Young, 1 Oran London, May 13 Waite Sea, Rackow, at Carthagena fm Tyne, May 12 MrssRS R. A. MflUH stoss' Report Aurora, 1 Carthagen Granton, May 14 Cdrfew, Sangntsr, at Breinerhaven fm Bassein, May 8 Gloauin', Archer, 1 Marsala BimlipaUm, May 9 Vesper, Alexander, Sunderland fm London, May 15 Mr. ,1 as. Mi Report Glbnisi.a, Cbalker, at the Tyne fm Dundee, May 16 M-r W.

N. RwfORT IIalhi'iii, Spence, at. Barcelona fm Shields, May 13 Mayfielo, Class, at Dundee Sui London, April 21 Messrs D. Si-oti- Siin.s' Repoht. Bavaria, Rees, at Leith fm Sfax, May 13 Calabri a.

Jone, 1 Cardiff St Michaels, April 29 Messrs W. Stephen Sons' Report. Aurora, Mackay, 1 St Johns (N.F.J fm Davis Straits April 26 Terra Nov Allan, 1 St Johns (N.F.) Dundee, May 15 Messrs W. Thomson Sons' Report. Avlona, Hawick.

1 Syd Thameshaven, May 12 Barcelona, Uoyle. 1 Sydney (C.B.)f Montreal, May 13 Dracona, Tait, 1 Sydney (C.B.) Montreal, May 16 E.SOALONA, Cm innings, at Halifax fm Charente, May 16 Fremona. Yule Dunnet Head fm Tyne Montreal 3ly 5 Gerona, Sangstcr, 1 Montreal London, May 11 Mis-rs Wilson Beru's Aiidle, Rose, 1 Methil Cronstadt. May 14 Dean, Taggait, 1 Swinemunde Pemau, May 14 Garry, Batchelor, 1 Sunderland Swinemunde, May 14 Isla, 1 Dundee Leith, May 16 Spey, Darie, 1 Swinemunde Riga, May 15 OTHER ADVICES. Lancing, Pears n.

passed Prawle Point from Chittagong for Dundee, 10th inst. Isle of Georgia at Hamburg, 15th inat. Camellia left Frederickshaven for Hamburg, 13th inst. Gladiolus left Cork for iDst. Creole left London for Blyth, 14th inst Reigate, at Antofogasta.

Ruehampton at Bussorah, 14th inst. Teheran at Bombay, 10th inst. Shandon, at Mauritius. Amaryllis at Shields from Stettin, 15th inst. Rothesay left HiTiy for Colombo.

15th inst. County of Dumfries, left Barry for PenaDg, 10th inst. Thirlmere, a' Falmouth from San Francisco, 16th inst. Great Victoria, at Rangoon, 10th in6t. Evesham Abbey, left Philadelphia for Hiogo, 14th inst.

MAIL AND STEAMSHIP NEWS. The Jumna left Brisbane for London, 13th inst. The Austral left Colombo for London, 10th inst. TheSpartau, left Madeira for Southampton, 15th inst. The City of Chicago left New York for Liverpool, 14th inst.

The Teutonic and City of Berlin left, Queenstown for New York, 10th inst. The Wisconsin at Liverpool from New York, 16th inst. GOODS ENTERED AT CUSTOMHOUSE YESTERDAY. Imports Foreign. Csesarea, Richards, Calcutta, 00u bales jute, 90 tons M.

C. Hill Jan. Scott, agent. Liverpool. Calder, Calcutta, 570 bales jute, 102 tons-Anderson Class W.

O. Taylor A agents. Beryl Campbell, St Petersburg, 100 cases eggs, 1800 great hundreds P. M. Dnncau 61 Son agents.

Ruby Webster, Reval, 2825 bales flax, 3095 cwte P. M. Duncan Son agents. Isla Robertson, St Petersburg and Reval, 20 cases eggs, hundred- Wilson Berg; 147 bales flax, 717 cwto Do. 20 bales tow, lnl cwts Do.

l0 bales flax, 300 cwU Hill Penny 31 hale tow, 134 cwt Do. 75 bales flax, 121 cuts D. Martin 4 Co. 2S9 bales flax, 1390 cwts Baxter Broa. Co.

40 lwles flax, 194 cwts Hill Renny Wilson is Berg, agents. Diesden Watson, Hamburg, 70 bags flour, 188 cwts J. Milne Son 270 bags flour, 438 cwu James Berry 1.jO0 bags sugar, 2980 cwts 270 bags farina, 535 cwts 30 bag rice, 60 cwts 1 bag shoe lasts, i cwts 2 cases colours, 4 cwts case mouldings, Is cwts; 1 case china, ti cwts; 1 case books, cwt; 2 cases hollow glass, 8 cwts; 4 cases toys, 14 cwts; 2 cnes hardware. 3 cwts; 2 linen manufactures, 11 is 1 case flax hose, 067 yards 1 box linens, cwt 1 package samples jute 1 case tools, 15 cwts To order D. Alexander, agent.

Exports Foreign. Dresden (s More, Hamburg, general goods D. Alexander, Evans, New YoTk, general goods W. Kin-near, Imports Coastwise. Londonderry Craig, Sunderland, SCO tons coals Robt.

Taylor. Dunase Packl iam, London, general goods D. P. L. Shipping Co.

Extorts Coastwise. Resolute Henderson, Newcastle, wheat and lead B. L. Nairn, agent. Annie, Evans, Watchet, general goods B.

L. Nairn, agent. Antrim Brown, Belfast, general goods B. L. Nairn, agent.

Goons Paid Duty ex-Bonded Warehouse. Tea SO lbs Niel Steel 131S lbs Salmond Jt Fleming 1303 lbs James Steel 203 lbs S. Gleig 1604 lbs Mathwson Son; 02 lbs J. Fair. Geneva S-SS gala Robcttson Leish.

Rum 139-2 gals Do. hisky 280-4 gals Do. 2 0 gals R. Baxter 01-j gals P. Kairley 10 gals G.

LI. Alison. Goods Entered to Bonded Warehouse. I'ea 100 chest. Mathewson Son.

Whisht 1 cask GLASGOW COAL TRADE. special Eepokt. Glasgow, Friday Evening. Those who send main coal to the Mediteiraucan ports expected to have done more by this time, but the steamer Asphodel, whicli made her trial run the other day. has left with over 400j tons of coal on board for the Mediterranean.

Values are to be 3d cheaper this week. The public works, however, are still consuming Urge quantities. As the miners are not working so regularly this week, supplies in some quarters have been more difficult to procure. It is stated that some Lanarkshire descriptions of coh! have been reduced as much as 2s per ton, and this, is distui bnig the miners' agents. Mr Heir Bardie is beginning a new agitation not for an increase of wagra, but 1 inst a reduction.

Dross and tri ping are in fair request, but the household demand has, of course, fallen off, consroua it upon the warm weather haviag set in. Splint realises ikl to 10s per ton, f.o.b. main, 8s 9d to Us steam, 10s to Us 4d and ell, 10s to ls 0d. The shipping branch in Ayrshire is fairly good price 9s 'Jd, f.o.b., at all the ports iu the shire. GLASGOW IRON TRADE.

Special Wkkkly Report. Glasgow, Friday Evening. This week the Glasgow Pig-Iron Market has been quieter, and the outside holders having realised. bears" have been enabled to cover at moderate prices. The trade is dimin shing in iron, coal, and steel, and, of course, is telling on the warrant market.

The outlook would rot bo very cheering for holders but for the strike in Rilbao, whech speculators hope will affect the furnaces heie. it yKi) assuredly, if the crisis last long enough. If the proprietors of the furnaces here don't ore they Till require to uSase operations. The make of hematite will be reduced, thou-h it is feared that the furnaces will be put on G.M. 0.

There is a falling off in the Continental demand, and, though the shipments were very good a week ago, that was owin to a big lot going to Daly, and to navigation being opened up in the frozen waters. A fai business is passing on local account, but a much better might be done. Scotch warrant started dearer at 44s lHd. but there was afterward a giadual de-cliue to 44s Od ciu-h. However, at the finish the value recovered to 44s 9d.

c-wh buyers. Cleveland opened at 41s, and, dropping slightly, left off at the same as the opening figure. The tame lias to be said abou' hematite, the closed standing at 53s Od, cash buyers. Thj Fit'j have redm-ed the price of coal Od ton f.o.b. PRODUCE MARKETS.

CLYDE CRUSHED SUGAR, FRtDAV. Official report Quieter feeling, and yesterday's improvement as n-aintained moderate business done. Private re-pott Gooil business done; prices rather easier. LIVERPOOL, Friday. Sugar steady No.

1 ciystal, ISs Od 2, 17s Od. Lard quiet, 32a 2d to 32s Od. Ii -con firm halves, 31s Od to 33s. Cheese steady, 3D to Butter dull, 51s to 00s. Petroleum steady American, 5iil.

Turpentine easy East, 'M. Renin firm, 4s 3d. Cottonseed sieadv, fjuiet, Linseed quiet, steady. 20s 9d. Rat firm Stettin, 30s Od.

nl low steady, 0d to 26s lid. Palm oil linn Lagos, -24 10s. Hemp ipiiet tnilla current, 41, Nitrate quiet, Ss to 8s C.istoroil Grni Calcutta, 3J.1. LON DON, Frihay. Sugar pieces ojiened quiet; fair Imsinesa now doing, steady prices dried goods and cr.stals unaltered leet quiet May, 12s Ud, less Jd sellers, lesa buyers June, 12s Od, plus sellers; 12 Od buyers; October-December, 12s ld sellers, lesa id buyers.

Cuffos spot steady Rio fntnre-i easier sold 74s 9d; December quoted 72 9d May, 74s 3d Havre, 1U9, May. Linseed, 41s 3d ship. Turpentine, 29s. Linseed oil tending easier. Other article unchanged.

To Overcome Weakness. Pepper Quiaiae and Iroa Toaicgives New Life, Health, Strength, and Energy. Half crowa BtMtlea, Evarywharo. laaut oa having saS The DsrictENCT in thk Educational Moim KHWTiON Funds. A meeting of the Committee the Educational Trust in connection with th -i.

ticiency in the Webster and Steven Mort.ifiMtlon. was held yesterday forenoon. Lord Provost Hunter presided, and stated that he hail beea negotiating with the various outgoing Trustees whs were held liable for the deficiency, with thevi-w of affecting a compromise and thus avoiding litim. tion. Ha was very hopeful that he would be mjo.

cessful in raising a sum that would be considered reasonable, and craved a further short delay hefr, proceedings were instituted. Iu tbe circ*mstance the Committee agreed adjourn mtil Friday next, on the understanding that unless a Mtsfae. tory sum was forthcoming by that nrr.e dednita instructions would be given to Mr Hendry, tb law agent, to proceed with an ction in the Court of Session for the recovery of the whole of ba deficiency. The Dispcte Regarding a CiBeo-os 'itk --Ageuts were heard yesterdav by Campbell Smith ou the petition present. by John Conner merchant, Dundee, against James Sentt.

shippmi agent, Dundee, and Captain Wilson, of the shin Primrose Hill, at present at Dundee, aektns Mm Court to remit to James K-iU-r iq and Jamet Cuthbertson, merchants. Dundee, i.ther 'killed persons, to examine 1hs bales nf ute parth lyiaa on the quay at the jetty and partly hi the hed a the quay at Camperdown Dock, nd rr, report 4-. the extent to which it has been damaged, thenaturs and causes of the damage, and also. as monev value of the damage and. Further, to interdict rtie defenders from removing or interfering with tbs aid bales of jute.

Mr tieorgg MeanM agent, stated that he was mte agreeable tlta a remit should be made to -he two gentlemen mm. tioned to report as to the extent of thedanwa antl the money value, but in objected to a rermti being made as to tbe nature and 'the causes th damage. After Mr Burnet (of Mert Thos. Thornton, Son, Co. for the petitioner, 'ha Sheriff remitted to them to report as to the extent and nature of the damage and the mnnev ahia but not as to the pause.

His Lordship math as order as to the petition far interdict. PRBI'ARINU KOU THK (4UKKNN KlRTHUiT-A, Band, ok Amatklr i i an-, inte Tt. ment of young lads wi re marshalled before Baiiia M'Cullocb, in the Dundee 1'idico Court yeateniay, charged with having rnaice n-dv ant l.iwn and stroyed growing trees 111 Utepington Roan in Lta ultimo. The names of the amateur woothwa were Henry Black, George Esplin, Alcvander Lea, Alexander iforsbnrgh, Charles Gould, Hry I'aterson, Mark Whytocfc, Henry Robert Alexander SI'CSlashan, Walter limine, Kohert Robertson. The eldest ot the lads was -eventeen, and the youngest about twelve yem -They pleaded guilty to the offence, in4 said they were gathering lot Queen's Birthday.

Mr Dewar stated that -ot alleged that the accused cut me tree, and lopped off the branebes ff another. During the last fortnight no fewer thau 'o had been actually cut down 111 that neignbourhood. This party of lads weut out -n Ibis maraudm; ft. petlitlon armed with no fewer than tow ind he understood the object was to gather material lor bonfire on the Queen Birthday. His attar tion was first called to this wanton destl -iction trees in the northern suburbs by in iionyrnons letter sent to hiin some weeks The Baihs saidhis was a practice that must be put liu I hose of the accused who were iboyt 'hititet years of age he considered would be u-tin? as rmr leader, and he would impose on them penaitv half-a-crown each, with the option of twenty-four hours' imprisonment, viz.

Henry Biactc. Esplin, A. Lee, Koiry Paterson, Walter Binnia, anil Robert Robertson. 1 he other four were ai monished. The Importation ov Amkrkan store Caths A joint meeting of the Committees oi the Tos Council, Harbour Board, and tiM district in connection with the movement havmj for its object the removal of ths" present rsrtiMtiWi affecting the importation of Vailed States MM cattle, was held in the Town Hall yestenUy.

Lord Provost Hunter presided, and 'n- re was large and representative attendance, including Provost Doig, of Forfar. The City letk Mr Hayl read letters from Forfai and Montrose, Mating that they would co-operate in sh raovemeftJt sua that their Provosts would mil the 'ocimitte-. Letters were also read from Abswteeo Andrews to the effect that the matter would brought under the noticu of their iroeprnftva Tos Councils. It was agreed that an application niu.d he made to Mr Chaplin, the Minuter di Agriculture, to receive and hear a deputation various bodies interested ami the agric 1 the north-east or Snor Ian, I hi ne reou'-' I that the present restriction. to be removed, anil of a representation that the teat importance of the mutrei remtered desirable the removal of Utti n-stric'ion in ths interest both of the agriculturists and public.

A remit was made to the Lord fti e-Bailie Gentle, Mr VtTllsher, and Mr ''owas, the Convener of the Markets GnHtttttee, draw up a suitable nwMarial "i COS -'ihjeer be presented to Mr Chaplin, and it was agreed ask the Members tor the city and the various oW stituencies in Forfarshire, 1'orthshu-e, and Pf shire to accompany trie deputation, mA TSM urging Mr Chaplin to throw open the infers" licensed ports for the unrestricted landing oi taf as well as of Canadian -toie cattle. Presentation to an Oi.h L) i I km a A representative oouipaay assembled the City Hall yesterday forenoon for the puxpos oi witnessing the presentation of a testnnonal to Mr Jam Will, for many years tbe Bight enflstsbh High Street beat, on the oeeatdon ri 11- retirement from active duty. Lord i'rovost Hunter pressed, and amongst those also present were-BailiM Mcdonald and Craig, es-Bailie Twlloeh, avl'annW" Smith, Mr D. 3. Sm'th, Mr Ueorge Smith.

Mr Whytock, Mr J. K. Bfcau, Sfe Ir Sedgwick, Ac. The Lord Proves, wlw presentation, said he understood that Mi wi" been ou duty on the High Street for thirty yatr certainly a very long time, and during ail Kser yeais Mr Will had performed his duty -o of tho Police Commi-ioners tm also of those with whom oitne mote inw tliateiy into contact, In the com that lengthened period be beSsv! were only two burglaries perpetrated rt in the High Street, which Moved that Hk- irl had stood in fear of Mr Will's activity ever-watchful and vigdant eye which be Wp the property under his charge, (AppsMj'' was a very common complaint by the public the police constables tliar when they were" they were never to be IoujmI (langntsrl -Wilt had always been found m-t attentive .0 duty and very obliging, and he thought very gratifying to him, while it was ah eentive to the other members oi the ohee fore know that his services had oreit appree. tea Mi 1 4 marktUI tnat the erj canaioie maiinei v.

ec were indebted to ihs uolisa tion of then property and then lives, th vrjst, on behalf of the who shopkeepers in the Higi. Street. with a valuable -sitae luvw i and appendage, be long spared to wear tbe gin. tf Mr Will, who on r.M..g fB0JS presentation wns warmly applaW 4 a feeling reply. It easv for a policeman 'o plea v'-' on all occasions he had endeavoured ,0 1 (Applause.

He also said he in receiving such a testimonial iroin the Lord Provost. R-BSailifl 5 shopkeeper in the Hiuh StJ- ia. the erficiencv oi Mr Wills varying, courteous, and onligms tnau'i. that he fully deserved the hoaoni dni dav. Bailie Macdonald, ,1 i thanks to the Lord Provost tor oi c0n-believed that in Dundee they J0te stables second to none in the M' Hear, hear," and apPUue.

a a he daily admired tho manner .11 The w4lcn, performed their duties. M'1 vKwtosil which was Supplied by Sfesr bote the following inscription fne0d i Constable James Will by his Hign key in the Western Police Station. k. i tuuiiuanuiix, win come to about 290, being thus within the limit ried by 5 Police Commission. It is anticipated thai tand will be erected and ready for con.

uiuiiiii or rive weens American Railway issueu have been rather irregular. Some stocks have been weakened a little by realisations. Central Pacifies and Union Pacifies have been very strong. Den vers, Nashvilles, and Atlantics easy. Atchison Bonds remained comparatively quiet.

Readings steady. Most other stocks quiet. There was again a demand for Mexican (Vera Cruz) securities, which closed at a further rise of 4 to f. Mexican Centrals were easier. Ixmbards firm.

Nitrate Group was quiet, and with rather a weak tendency. Railways gave way a little. San Paulo and Colorado rather better. The Miscellaneous market has been featureless. Warner's Safe Cure shares are now quoted at 30.

Suez Canal shares were steady. Aerated Bread rose J. Some of the smaller Brewery shares were inquired for. Amongst Banks, Bank of New Zealand fell to 1. Eastmans and Hammonds shares each" declined The following changes have occurred since yesterday Foreign Stocks.

Rise Egyptian Preference Do. Unified Do. Daira 5, Do. Domain French Per Cent. 1, Greek 1881-4 4, Do.

Monopoly Hungarian 1881 Italian Mexican 188S Peruvian 1872 Portuguese 4, Russian Converted Turkish Group I. Do. Group II. I Do. 1871 J.

Do. Defence I Ecuador and Uruguay Five Per Cent. Fall Buenos "Ayres Cedulas A and Do. I Do. 1.

British Railways. Rise Caledonian Great Eastern Great Western 3, Hull and Barnslcy Chatham Ordinary and Preference North-Western Metropolitan Midland 1, North-Eastern Lancashire and Yorkshire and Taff Vale stock 2. Fall Brighton A Sheffield Deferred North British Ordinary Do. Preference and South-Eastern A i- Canadian Railways. Fall Grand Trunk Ordi-nar' A.

Do. First and Second Preference and Guaranteed Do. Third Preference J. Rise-Canadian Pacific shaies American Railways. Rise Central Pacific II, Pennsylvania shares Philadelphia and Reading shares anl Union Pacific 1J Fall Denver Preference Lake Shore Louisville and Nashville New York Ontario Norfolk Preference Northern Pacific Preference and Wabash Debentures h.

Foreign Railways. Rise Lombards Mexican Ordinary and Second Preference Do. First Preference Fall Mexican Central Bonds A and Nitrate shares Mines, The Mining market has been very quiet. Oceana Lands have been firm, and Diamond shares steady, but Copper shares arc flat on realisations. Rise Sliebas to Oceana Land to 114 Golden Kopje to Randfontein to Salisbury At, to oft De Beers to lb New Jagers-fontein to iOi Reads Drift Land Company to 21 Namaijua to 2ft.

Fall Mason Bairy to7i; RioTinto 'iJ, to 18 Tharsls to liankets fo, to Bothas to Central Lang-laagte to ft City and Suburban to 5 Durban Roodepoort to 3 jumpers to 5rV Moddersfontein jif, to fa Sjmmei and Jack to i Vogelstruis -fa, to Wemmers to 4J. No bullion operations at the Bank. Silver steady. Bars further rose ceasing at 47d. liupee Paper was strong.

Four Per Cent, rose to 77 to 771 and Four-aud-a-Half Per Cent. 79. to 7i. Rates telegraphed from East were: Bombay Telegraphic Transfers, Is 5jd Calcutta Is 5g.l Hong Kong four months' bills, 3s 4jjd Shanghai 4s fcd. The following were the quotations after ofbeia hours GOVERNMENT AND FOREIGN SECUKITIEs.

Nur. SS Muiicau tiold 6 7., SI Peru 1870, 6 17J Ac i6i i New -jj 'Cliildeic', 0j New "4 p.j Locail Loan Mock. lOi'l i India ISSS, 3 Siftj 100 Bank btock, 337 9 Metro. B'd Woikh, 11 1 B'nsAjT'sCTill'a 1,381 30 lig'n Hanaftanidli.SilJ I Do. Unified.

Do. 172, 5 14 i Portuguese, Hllksian 1S70 2J Ituiiiau Nicholai, t4 ti xd Do. 1J0 1 Do. A. -Dutch, '60, 100 1 ltussian 1B7J, 6 Russian 1875, linssian 1S70, -14 100 2 Spanish, 4 70 I Turkish 18n5, t'Jjj Do.

Cohen's, 2iii 4 Do. lSj lOJ Group lj 19 Do.71 EgptTb'te, H8 Do.Ot'man Defve, lO-'i 3 L'ruguay, 74i Do. GoTt. 103J uo. state Jiomain, l'j Krencii JHeutcs.

ftv, Do. 105J Greek 18SI-4, li 93- Vo. MoBopoly, 4 Italian 1M1, tlungar'n Gold.IsS eM Al liWAYK. Caledonian 126J East London, Hi Gls. (V'caterit, lltj IS Great Eastern, i brit Northern, 124 0 ireat Nor A.

102 4 Gt. North of Great Western, 104 Uull ti Barnslcy, i La'aliire Si 121 2 l.on. JUrirhton, lu'J 2 Do. lO- A I Doer, .6 i'o. Preferrcl, 11415 lvon.A N.

tern, ISlj 1 S. Western, ljti Man. Sheffield, ti" Do. Deferred, 4oJ 4 Metropol. Ordi'y, 77 Metrotiolitau Midland 147s i i i K.

Britifch, Orrti t. 78i i North-Eaiterii, 171J N. SUflordBhiie, 112 li South-Eastern. 132 1 Do. Deferred, 107J I COLONIAL AND EUUEIGN DAILWAVf oiiiharuc, 11J 1.

Do. Preference, r7J liail, ij'. no. 1st 121 xd Do. 5:3 Mexican National Louis.

r4j 4 Lake Shore, 1 14 i a Illinois Central, 120 Non'olkA Western, u7 Nev. York Cen'J, 112 Northern T.icilic, SOjj Eric Do. 2d Coii.Mt.IJd. 104 New York, Onti.iio, 2 St Mort Nitrate Share, 17 G. Trunk Canada, IK Do.

1st Preference, 77 Do. 2d Preference. 07 Do. 3d Preference, 3U i i i-ixd Peuneyivaiiiit, 06c xd Ohio and Missi- Phil. 23j'i Union facilic, i Wab.vli St IvOtiiii, i' Do.

en era I Mort. Obi Trunk 4 (iuaf, 77; si Canadian Pacitic, 83g N.i Ohio, .402 OliiciV o. Mil Call. Den. ilio Grande.

20i I TELE', it A I'll PAN 1E. Ou 1 Direct L'ted St'tes, 10 i BANKING COMPANIES. Imperial Ottoman, 13'. Lou. Si 74 0 London It County, Union of London i-l Si Lon.

Joint 2i National Pro 40 t7uMMEDClAC. 1'. O. 132 Di.iiii iv May, lot J-i Boyal Mail Steam, 73 li npratU l'atent Bruth Eight, x.i ji 1. Guinness :47 106 9 2 S.

Allsopp Son, 67 70 Do. 110 12 NTTKATES. Kipaogie, jj San Jorge, 0J xd an Pablo, 34 4 Taraiia. a Water, Si 9 MINES. Mont-tna.

23 20 Si Slyaore. Ci'i t'i G'd I Id. of 13 14 Mysore IleeU. 10 11 0 -2 3 l'alian- Coi'D Ui.tioii, I Anglo-Chilian, 7 Colorado, 31 4 London, 4 6 Do. Preference.

4 Priuiitha. llj 12J Dalkis, 96 i'-riiL-h Broken HiiL, Si ":i.e Copper, Neve.4,'c Coiuui. IJ CopiapO Cojiper, j0 Dav Dawn, 7 Si Day I uwu, p. 116 12 6 Indian Consolidated, 1.3 19 Knvsna, 116 Liluola, 24! 3 Lisbon Berlyn, l'alm ufo, 10 6 16,6 1'anulcilio, i'o r'i Richmond 1 5 io Tiuto. is 1 J'll-l I i-1M.

01 Mason Si Uarry, i CLASGQW STOCK EXCHANGE. Glasgow, Friday Evening. Although the tone w.i generally quiet in the Glasgow Stock Exchange to-day, a fail business was done. Of course, in Home Lines, the chief talk was about Caledonian and British. The general opinion of the operators is that Caledonian has rc-lapsed owing to the profit snatchers adopting old tactics.

They believe tlutt the Conversion Bill the iiitpiiiy into which has finished so far us arguments ate concerned will be parsed by the Parliamentary Committee, and when that actually Likes place there will be a further advance. The price started to-day at 12 and the close was the best T25g. A feeling prevails amongst those who study stocks that the North British Railway won't accept the Parliamentary Committee's recommendations regarding the acquisition of the Glasgow and South-Western. If they accept the Committee's finding there will have to be made con TO-DAY'S PRICES. FLAX.

Riga 19 16 HD, 17 D. 14 Saletaky I2h'ds2l Crown, 23 BejetskySeretz 29 Fernau 25 Codilla, 21 Archangel, 1st Zabrack, 29 No. lTow, 2o Jute, fine, 14 Medium, 15 Common, yarxs, per spl. 2 lbs. line, ft 20 17 IS 15 1 1 4 1 1 3 1 5 1 7 3 4 Tow, 7 Jute, 1 5 53 I 8 cops, I SO 18., starching 27 I warps, 1 20 I 8 to 9 lbs.

It I Hessian chains 11 10 40 eft, I 24 10J oz. Hessians, 2-rs 10J Mangled, 2 2-12 20 Tarpauling, 'ii 10 i 18 Bagging, 2 24 2fJ 7i 1 8 IJ 3U 1 ft -ft 40 11 por. 40 4i 27 44 44 THE GREAT NORTH-WEST CENTRAL RAILWAY. The prospectus is issued to-day of this railway, the entire length of which from its junction with the Canadian Pacific Railway at BraDtlon to the Peace River is about 1000 miles. It runs northwesterly thro igh the most productive portion of the great fertile wheat belt of the American Continent, which increases in fertility and suitable climatic conditions for agricultural purposes in a north-westerly direction.

It is proposed to issue 515,600 5 per cent, land grant mortgage bonds secured by first mortgage on the whole of the Company's undertaking, including the railway and equipment, antl at least of land. Exceptionally good returns are expected. THE FITCH TYPE-WRITER COMPANY, LIMITED. A company has been formed to acq aire the patents controlling the Fitch type-writer machino and all improvements thereon for the whole world, excepting North and South America. It is claimed that the machines can be sold at a large profit at about one-half the price of the best existing machines.

It is therefore to be expected that an extensive and immediate business will be done by the Company, and that unusually prompt and handsome returns will be realised by investors 111 this undertaking. It is estimated that an average of at least 5000 machines will be sold annually, which would enable the Company, after payment of the dividends on the preference shares, to pay 15 per cent, ou tiie ordinary shares, and a large return on each founders' shares. COMMERCIAL ITEMS. The Bourses. The Paris Bourse was generally firm.

Three Per Cent. Rentes showed only a fractional improvement since Wednesday. Four-and-a-Half Per Cents, declined 45c. for money, and 10c. for account.

The Berlin Bourse generally firm, with decidedly better tendency for coal and iron shares. The International Telegraph Conference. The International Telegraph Conference was opened in Paris yesterday, 117 foreign delegates being present. M. Roche, Minister of Commerce, welcomed the delegates, and Mr Nielsen, Norwegian delegate, and Kerr Hake, German delegate, replied.

M. de Selves, the French delegate, was unanimously elected President of tbe Congress. Belfast Trade Report. The market presents few new features, and the turnover is not larger. Flax Reports respecting growing flax are excellent.

The weather in Ireland just now is splendid for growing. Prices of flax in store are firm, but not much doing. Yarns meet a slow sale, and manufacturers deal only in small lots. Sticks of line yarns in spinners' hands are light. Prices nominally unaltered.

Tow sorts very dull, and prices weaker. Linens meet a inquiry, but sales not more numerous. A better cross-Channel trade is reported, but shipping orders are not coming iu as liberally as expected by this. Yousg's Paraffin Oil Company. Young's Paraffin Light and Mineral Oil Company (Limited 1 intimate that their books for the financial year ending 30th April, 1S90, after expending 13,107 17s Ud on maintenance and repairs and 427 lis for laud restoration, and subject to audit, show Profit on the, year's operations of 60,984 6s 8d, to which add the balance from last-year.

11,094 13s lOd, making a total of 72,070 0s 0d. From this sum the following deductions fall to be made, viz. Interest on mortgage debenture bonds, 0173 7s ld interest on per cent, convertible debenture stook, 5s 3d total, 25,017 12s 4d, leaving 46,161 8s 2.1. Out of this the Directors propose that a dividend of 7 per cent, be paid, in equal proportions, on 20th June and 19th December, which will absorb 17,325 4s (id, and leave a balance of Sd. Of this, it is recommended that 25,000 be written off agaiust the cost of 320 Pentland retorts, and auxiliary plant therefor, erected during the year, and this will leave the sum of 3S36 3s Sd to be carried forward to next year.

TO-DAY'S WEATHER FORECASTS. 0. Scotland N. S'lUth-wei-terly winds, light or mode rate changeable some rain. 1.

Scotland Same as No. 0. 2. England N.E. Light breezes, chiefly south-easterly dull rainy thunder locally.

3. England K. Same as No. 2. 4.

England (Midland Counties). Southerly to south westerly winds, light or moderate dull and rainy at first, with local thunderstorms, but improving later. 5. England S. (London and as No.

4. 6. Scotland W. Light variable breezes, clianeabls some rain possibly thunder. 7.

England N.W. (andN. Wales). Same as No. ii.

8. England S.W. (and S. Wales). South-westerly winds, moderate or fresh changeable some showers.

'J. Ireland N. Light or moderate breezes; chilly mirth-westerly, changeable some showers. 10. Ireland S.

Same aa No. 9 Zhc IDunbee Courier. SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1890. The Queen has conferred the Order of K.C.B. on Vice-Admiral Baird.

In the Divorce Division, London, yesterday afternoon, Mr Knowles Davie, bank cashier, obtained decree niti, with costs, by reason of his wife's adultery with Mr John Metcalfe Pollard, solicitor, London, against whom damages were awarded to the extent of 500. Mr Arthur Acland has given notice of an instruction to the Committee on Local Taxation, kc. Bill in favour of devoting the fund which the Government propose to apply to the extinction of license to the assistance of education. The instruction finds general support on the Opposition aide. Another serious cliff accident has occurred on the Kincardineshire coast, a girl having fallen over a precipice between 30 and 40 feet high.

A child of the Mayor of Barnstaple was yesterday scalded to death by stepping into a bath of boiling water. Texas Land li Cattle, Gilry, Sons, Gilroy, Sons, 40 30 Exdiv. Oddlot ABERDEEN STOCK EXCHANGE. Aberdeen, Friday. Names of Stocks.

Business dene. Buyers. Sellers. N. B.

Mercantile 40 126 Employers 1 00 1 56 1 0 Arizona Copper, 173 17 18 C. Davidson Sons, New, 15 10' 15ii lti6 Mitchell Muil. 86 ofr 93 EDINBURGH STOCK EXCHANGE. Edinburgh, Friday. Business Done.

Bnvers. Seller-. Caledonian Bailway, 12IJ 0 120J 120J Great Eastern. 88 88J 87J Great Western. Ii54j and South Coast.

106 I55J lotij London, Chatham Dover. 20i i ft 204 2fi North British. 65f4 ft 65J 60 Consols, 170J 1 i 17I 171 i South-Eastcm 107 1074 D'4 (. i Pref. 4l 127 N.B.

Con. ien. 4 p.c, M24J 1 Cal Con. Nu. 2 1 p.c, 123i Canadian I'aciec.

82 3J ft ft ft i 831 83 Trunk 1st 77 77J 77 I runk. 2d OiiJ 7J 07 ft 67j j'H 'at re nl WtWl 304 30i 44J 5 i 40l 40.J 3, 78J I 'J 7ft irunic. cio Mexican Railwav. Chic. St Paul $100 Denver II.

Grande. $100 204 201 Louisville Nashville 100 94-ft 94ft l'4'i N.Y.. L. Erie, Western. 2i 29 ft Wft N.Y..

Western. 22ft 221 22j Norfolk Western 6714 S7J 68 Union Pacific, 5100, CSj I 91 ft tiOJ Union Bank. 21 N. B. Mer Fire Life.

'ft Scot. Union Nat. Fire At Life A. 70 American Mort. Of Scotland, 34 0 Brit.

Inv. Trust Pref. 4 p.c. 100 Otago South. Scot, eal.

Inv. 4 Prairie Cattle. 22 26 29 229 23 Arizona Cooper, 176 79 17 173 Cassels Gold. 489 8 06 459 46 Indian Con. Gold.

19 Indian Gold Mines. 3 Masun Barry (to bearer), 7i ft 7g 7g Mysore Gold. 0 Pollock Patents, 199 20 206 1 16 206 20' 203 Rio Tinto (to Bearer), ISfi ft II 18fi 18 Punijilierston 10i ft 10J 10J Distillers Company, Limited, 12 llfj 12 Wm. M'Ewan 0 p.c, 11 11, 11J "tdd Lot. tEx Div.

New Account. The following are the last quotations af the Stocks of the Scotch Banks Bank of Scotland, 300 0 9 British Linen Company, 530 0 0 Caledonian Banking Company, 4 2 6 Clydesdale Bank, 19 0 0 Commercial Bank of 59 0 0 National Bank of Scotland, 316 16 0 North of Scotland Bank, 5 17 6 Royal Bank of Scotland, 217 0 Town County Hank, 16 17 6 Uiiion Bank of Scotland. 21 5 0 CATTLE MARKETS. DUNDEE. Fridav.

Messrs Scott fi; Graham. Limited, at their sale in Dundee Cattle Market to-day, hail a very fair show of fat cattle on offer. Buyers were largely represented, including trost of the butchers from the ritv and district, and also a few buyers for the English Cattle were a very good show as regarjli quality, and met a greatly improved trade compared with the last few weeks, with a ready clearance at prices in sellers' favour. IJest fat bullocks sold at from 21 tu 23 10s; secondary, from 16 7s Od t-o 20 10s heifers, from 0 f.s to 20 10s; cows, from 7 17a 6d to 19 7s tid hulls, from 15s tc 17 17s Cd. The sold comprised fat cattle.

PERTH LIVE STOCK SALES, PniDAV. At the Northern Central Mart, John Swan Sons had a large and excellent display of store sheep and cattle at their weekly sile here to-day. There was a large turnout of agriculturists and others, both from the surrounding districts and the south. The quality of the sheep on offer was ths best shown this sra-on, and trade for cro. and half-bred hoggs was active, at prices quite Is per head over last week.

Best half-bred hoggt, 39s to greyfaced boggi best class, 44s to 4Ss Cd secondary, 37a to 40s tro-year-old blackfaced wedders made from 30s to 38s blackfaced vveddcr hoggs, 23s I'd to 27s. Blackfaced ewe hoggs were a shade quieter, and quality on offer only secondary, making 2ii to 28. Blackfaced ewes and limbs met a trade very similar to last week, and made from 36s to 42s, the best clearanca of the season being effected. Cattle, especially for home-wintered, met a fair trade, and were totally cleared out. Best clais of home-wintered bullocks made up to 17 10; Irish twj-yesr-old, 10 10s to 12 10s calvef, to 9 10s.

Numbers 3120 sheep and 341 cattle. Messrs Macdonald, Eraser, great May sale of grazing stock comprised 0580 sheep, 1 3S7 cattle, t6 cows, and 9 calves The show of stock was an excellent one, and with a large attendance of local and district buyers the demand for all elas.s wns animated, and the prices lealised much similar to those of the previous week. Milc'n were a belter show than last week, and sold fully as well. Best chtss of cros hoggs, from 46s to tid, and from 3s-, to -14s Hd half-bred, to 43s blackface tu wethers, to 43s; blackface wether hoggs, from to blackface owe hoggs, from 2Js cror ami Iambs, to 60s Od Cheviot to 01s Cd bluckfa 34s to 40s. Cattle Best class of home bred two-year-olds, from lo 10s to 20 secondary, to lu; queys, to 10; Irish two-year-olds, from 12 10 to lti home ore I from 10 to 12 0s Irish stirks, Os 12 West Highland three-year-ohl builovks, to 13 West Highland heifers, to 12; bulls, to 18 milcn cows, from 15 to 20 2s od Ayrhires.

from 12 10s to 20 calves, froiL lUs to 4 STIRDlNG, Fkikav. At Mr Corsou's Auction MaA supplies were under an average, and ahort of requirements. Best bullocks sold to 23 2s Cd others, to 10 2s 11 heifers, lt! 10s bla kt'aced wethers, to 00s cross hoggfc, to 4Ss 3d to 00; fat lambs, 40 txi to 4 js lufct bullock. 7d per ewe live weight; fair, 34s Od per cwt. live weight.

PROVISION MARKETS. I'LKTII. Beef, boiling, per 0s 7d 0s 101 Is Od 0s lOd Its Od 1 01 0, Od 0a l'ld Od 0b Sd 0s lid Is 2d 0s lid Is 0d Roast, Steak, Mutton, Veal and lamb, Butter, Is id 05 0.1 Os 7d 0s 9d Is Od Is 3d Is Od Os Sd Is Od 0b lOd 4s Od salt, Eg, per do. Loaf, 4 ABERDEEN. Beef, per Od Mutton Veal, Lamb, Pork, do.

Butter, Eggs, per dozen, Hens, per pair. 0s 8d Os Os lOd Os Od is 4d Os Stt 3s Od STIRLING ltouM beef, per lb. Boiling Mutton, Vejtl, Steak, I.aiuli, EgoI'i lid I Pi butter Ub Id Id is 2d Salt 0 lOd Is Id CUeeseperst. 7d 4a iWl Potatoer, 0s 4d 0s Od Vuarterloaf, Os 54l 0s OAd atmeal peck Ot Kd la Oil sausages, Is 0d Us Od lid ISd lad 11.1 42s Pork, per LONDON, Frioav. Butter market continues very lull.

Jet sey lower at 70a to 82s; Friesland, 80s to Kiel and Danish, to l0s Swedish, 80s to 9J Normandy, Stl to 9Ss American, 20s to 56. Bacon market rather tinner. Irish, 52s to 53s Danish, 00s to litis. American hams quoted 48.i to 60s. Cheque quiet.

American, -I0so54s; ue-f Edam, 04to5Ss; do. Gonda, i-is to 00a. DORIC UU'llER. Fan.av. FiMta, 81; 74s thirds, 09s fourths, 38s.

Kegs seconds, 71s 50s. Mild-cured firkins aupertme, 89s fine, H0a mild, 67a. Do. kegs mild, 62s. Iu the market Firkins.

808 mild, 128. CotUAv's Patent White Stakc cannot be equalled to Boding Water Starch..

The Courier and Argus from Dundee, Tayside, Scotland (2024)


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Views: 5535

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Author information

Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.