Topp Twins' mince on toast - Eat Well Recipe - NZ Herald (2024)

Topp Twins' mince on toast - Eat Well Recipe - NZ Herald (1)


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Michael Craig

Herald on Sunday

Food has always been more than just fuel for much-loved Kiwi entertainers Jools and Lynda Topp. Lynda's mince on toast recipe is a hit with the local farming community in Staveley.


1 TbspButter
2 clovesGarlic, crushed
1 kgBeef mince, ideally not prime mince as it's too lean (Main)
1Onion, chopped
2Carrots, peeled and diced
1Parsnip, peeled and diced
3Potatoes, medium, peeled and diced
100 gTomato paste, use up to 140g to taste (Lynda uses Leggo's garlic and herb-flavoured paste)
100 mlDark soy sauce, or 80ml depending on taste
10 mlSmoked paprika, or Mariano's Smoky Paprika Vinegar Salsa
10 mlBalsamic reduction
1 LtrChicken stock
100 gFrozen peas
12Toast bread slices, of your choice (Main)
1 bunchParsley, chopped (optional)


  1. In a large pot, cook the butter until it starts to foam and brown slightly. Add garlic and mince and brown the meat until moisture has reduced.
  2. Add diced vegetables, tomato paste, soy sauce, Mariano's salsa or smoked paprika, balsamic reduction and chicken stock. Bring to the boil and turn heat down, simmering for 40 minutes.
  3. Allow to cool, mash until vegetables are absorbed into mince and ideally refrigerate overnight.
  4. Reheat in a pot and add frozen peas to cook in the bubbling mince mixture for two minutes.
  5. Serve on toast, sprinkled with chopped parsley.

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Topp Twins' mince on toast - Eat Well Recipe - NZ Herald (2024)


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