Ultimate Spring Bucket List for Families - Kindly Unspoken (2024)

Check out my spring bucket list with 25 fun activities for kids and families to do this spring. This free spring bucket list printable includes ideas for outdoor activities, rainy day activities, and free and almost free things to do over spring break.

Ultimate Spring Bucket List for Families - Kindly Unspoken (1)

Hey everyone! Today I wanted to share with you my Ultimate Spring Bucket List for Families.

I originally put together this list in 2016, but as most of us are currently home with our kids, I thought it’d be a great time to update it and re-share.

This list was really fun to create because I sat down and really thought about all the fun things my husband and I want to do with the kids over the next couple months to celebrate the beautiful Spring weather ahead.

Even better, you’ll notice most of the items on my spring bucket list are inexpensive, if not free, and are very simple to do.

Most of all the items on this spring bucket list can be completed in the comfort of your own home or backyard, and is the perfect excuse to get outside and get more active.

This list is also a great reminder that it’s the simple things in life that matter the most, and being happy with the ones you love is what it’s all about.

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Spring Bucket List – 25 Activities to Do This Spring

Ultimate Spring Bucket List for Families - Kindly Unspoken (2)

The spring season is always the perfect time to get outside more, enjoy the warmer weather, and get creative.

This list includes 25 fun, family-friendly activities that both kids and adults will love to do, and is perfect for breaking out over spring break.

  1. Picnic in Your Backyard (This large, portable, waterproof picnic blanket is my favorite and less than $30!)
  2. Bake Cookies (Grab My Mom’s Famous Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe or one of my other delicious cookie recipes)
  3. Blow Bubbles Outside
  4. Make Homemade Lemonade
  5. Go to the Zoo/Local Petting Farm (If you’re in or near Georgia, check out my Smart Tips for Visiting Zoo Atlanta)
  6. Plant New Flowers
  7. Go Fishing
  8. Play with Sidewalk Chalk (We love this colorful 20 count set!)
  9. Dye Easter Eggs (& make my yummy Rice Krispie Treat Eggs)
  10. Paint Rocks
  11. Pick Berries (& make my Easy Strawberry Jello Poke Cake or Blueberry Swirl Cheesecake Bars)
  12. Go on a Scavenger Hunt
  13. Play in the Rain
  14. Take Family Pictures (Here’s a helpful guide on how to take your own)
  15. Make a Bird Feeder (These affordable bird feeder kits are so cute and perfect for the kids to paint!)
  16. Read a New Book
  17. Have a Family Board Game Night (Check out the 25 Best Board Games for Families here)
  18. Ride Bikes
  19. Go For a Hike
  20. Watch the Sunset
  21. Write a Letter to Someone (& share one of my printable 12 inspirational quotes with them!)
  22. Pay it Forward
  23. Find a Rainbow
  24. Catch Butterflies (These nets are so fun!)
  25. Stargaze in the Backyard

Ultimate Spring Bucket List for Families - Kindly Unspoken (3)

Above all, I hope this spring bucket list serves as a reminder to slow down and enjoy the little things.

I recently shared a post on why it’s okay to slow down and just be, and I think it’s so important to remind ourselves to stop and pause and enjoy the beauty in the world around us.

Enjoy the pretty blooms on the trees that are budding around us, enjoy watching the gorgeous sun set, and enjoy eating 1…or 3 cookies with your kids or husband.

Because after all, isn’t life meant to be enjoyed? Have fun, laugh out loud, and stop worrying so much about things that don’t really matter at all.

I hope you’ll print out my Spring Bucket List or create your own to enjoy the Spring season with your family.

Think about all the fun things you keep putting off, and put it on your list, and accomplish it! Life is too short not to have fun!

Looking for More Spring Printables?
  • 3 Free Spring Watercolor Printables
  • 5 Free Spring Motivational Quotes
  • 12 Inspirational Quotes for Hard Times

Hope you enjoyed my Ultimate Spring Bucket List for Families and will save or print this list out to do with your kids and family this Spring season!

It’s such a fun little challenge to try to cross out as many items as you can, and my boys, husband, and I always have a blast with this Spring Bucket List.

What are you looking forward to most about Spring? Let me know in the comments!

Thanks for stopping by!- Cara

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Ultimate Spring Bucket List for Families - Kindly Unspoken (4)

Ultimate Spring Bucket List for Families - Kindly Unspoken (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.